Tuesday, April 21, 2015

true or false

Winter is a story teller. Her BFF Grace always gets mad because Winter doesn't seem to know the difference between fact and fiction. Grace will say something like, "Miss Amie, tell Winter that she did NOT have dinner with Tinkerbell!" Or "Your dogs CANNOT TALK!"  I'll say something like, "It's okay Grace she's just pretending. And Winter will say calmly, "No I'm not." and that will make Grace totally lose it.

I walked in to Winter's classroom to pick her up from school the other day and she had her back to me and was telling the teacher all about how we made a whole office for Angus with a desk and everything. Why a baby would need an office I don't know but Winter seems to think he will.

I think the truth just seems so boring to her sometimes. I like to see where her imagination goes. Maybe we'll start reining her in when she turns 5. 

This evening after giving Winter yet another chance with chewing gum (she swallows it) Mya reported that Winter probably swallowed it again because it wasn't in her mouth anymore. (Mya keeps me abreast on every situation) So I asked Winter what happened to it...

Me: Winter, where's your gum?
Winter: I finished it.
Me: Did you swallow it?
Winter: No I finished it. 
Me: Did you throw it away?
Winter: Um yeah.
Me: Where did you throw it away?
Winter: In the trashcan.
Me: Which trashcan?
Winter: ummm Mari's trashcan
Me: So if I go look right now I'll see it in there?
Winter: No, it's waaaaaay down in the trashcan.
Me: Don't you lie to me! 
Winter: ummmm
Me: Are you lying to me? Did you swallow your gum?
Winter: Okaaaaay (rolling her eyes) I swallowed it. 

What a little stinker. 

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