Wednesday, April 8, 2015

baby book

If I would have thought long and hard about whether or not to do a baby book with each and every child, I would have decided against it for sure. But once you do one, you have to do all the babies. It wouldn't be fair to leave anyone out. And with Mya I actually recorded all those dumb milestones no one cares about. I'm sure I added ones like the first time she farted, or yawned or projectile pooped. She actually did that a few times. Got all over the wall. Super impressive. I told her about it once and she talks about it all the time.

I found my baby book in my mom's room when I was about 8. All it had was my name in it. That's it, just my name. Not even my whole name. Just Amie. I get it. Mom was a single parent raising 4 kids by herself. Who has time for that crap? But then I found my big brother's entirely filled out cover to cover. It was kind of traumatizing. Obviously. I'm still talking about it today. That is why I have to finish each child's book to the best of my ability, or toss them all out. I should have just started a blog with Mya. That would have been way easier.

None of them are done yet. Mya's is close but Winter's is just stuffed with pictures and papers from the doctor with her height and weight on them... those that made it in there. Until yesterday, Adelyn had a manila envelope with "baby #3" written on it. So I found a pink baby book and figured it was probably intended for her and began flipping through the pages. Someone got to it before me. Most of the pages have already been partially filled out by Winter. I know it was her because it's her fake scribble writing that she does when she's writing an important letter. 

So, I figure I'm like half way done with Adelyn's baby book now including Winter's crayon scribbles. I started writing some stuff in it today like birthday and family tree etc. But then it was asking for things like when did she first smile, laugh, roll over, sit up, etc. Who remembers these things?! Ugh, I may have to fib a bit or at least take a guess. There may be lots of question marks but I WILL fill it out! 

I'm such a stoned mama that I actually started filling out information for Angus instead of Adelyn. How I found out I was pregnant, how I told Dan, how I shared it with my friends, my pregnancy so far, the date of my shower, the shower guest list... then I had to rip out the page because it was all wrong. Pregnancy brain...

This is not Addie. It will have her picture in it one day...

 Winter's contribution to her little sister's baby book =)

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