Friday, April 10, 2015


It's a little late for an Easter post but I still feel it should be documented. We spent Easter afternoon and Uncle Doug and Aunt Janine's house. They have THE perfect yard for an Easter egg hunt. Winter fell in the pond last year but managed to stay dry this year, yay! Adelyn was entertained by the bucket of beer in ice most of the day so that was nice. And I had lots of family around to help me. We got to see our Santa Barbara cousins too. So fun. I was only in the mood to snap pics of the Easter egg hunt, not the whole day. It wasn't easy. I waddled my way around the backyard and had to give up after a few shots. Another advantage of having a smart phone. I just had to grab it and snap. Those little stinkers are fast! We even shouted wait! Wait! Let Addie get the ones in the grass! But the temptation was just too great. They darted out and found all 138 eggs in 3 minutes or less. So fun to watch. And they were so happy. 

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