Friday, April 3, 2015


This is just going to have to be a scrapbook blog:

Open house time:

This says: I am special because... 
I want to be a baby doctor. 
I help take care of my sisters. I am good at riding my bike.
by Mya =)

A little Kinder U.S. History...

No idea what this is... St. Patrick's Day something or other?

Classroom chicks. These are pretty cool. They got to see the whole process from the eggs hatching to the babies being born and growing into fluffy little adorable peep peep chickies. Pretty darn cute. And they seem to be surviving the million 5 year old fingers and hands all over them!

We left the other girls with a baby sitter so we could focus on Mya. (Angus came along) She was SOOO proud of all of her achievements.

Good ol' Mrs. Rodriguez. In my personal opinion, all K teachers are saints but we really love this one ;)

Park time with friends: 

Our neighbor dropped this off on our doorstep because her grand-daughter outgrew it. Best day of Addie's life.

Cute little cowgirls =)

Beach time! 

Beach days are a lot of work but so worth it. This is "Baby beach" or "Mother's Beach" in Dana Point. We also went to the tide pools in Dana Point.

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