Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I've been doing some wheeling and dealing lately on a facebook page called Moms of Glendora Online Yard sale. It's super addicting. I enjoy the selling more than the buying because I get rid of stuff and get paid for it. Not sure why I like it so much but I just do. Sometimes I meet moms at Mya's school to exchange money for product, like a drug deal but legal? 

The other day I washed one of my favorite sweaters to discover yet another hole in it. I got it online for a steal and it was pretty cheap quality but so cute. I've mended it probably 5 times. So after discovering a rather large hole in the side seam, like 6 inches, I mended it one last time and decided to sell it. I posted it on the site for a few dollars and many moms were interested. I ended up selling it to a mom at Mya's school again. I met up with her while dropping Mya off one day. Super convenient. We chatted a bit and I handed over the sweater and she gave me the money. 

Then Mya declared, "That sweater has a giant hole in it!" 

Ahhh! I couldn't believe she ratted me out! She must have seen me sewing it. I laughed nervously and said, "No that's a different one sweetie." LIE. I totally lied right in front of my daughter who looked at me confused and said, "No it was THAT one." I told her it wasn't and changed the subject to the mom's sweet little new baby and asked how old she was and so on. The nice mom was unsuspecting and smiled and we parted ways. 

I see her all the time now. I always want to tell her the truth but it would sound ridiculous and awful so I keep my mouth shut. I was thinking I would give her something for her little baby for free to make up for the fact that I totally lied to her... =) Sounds great right? And maybe I will actually tell her about the hole one day...

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