Monday, April 20, 2015


Well folks, we are down to the last week. Seven days 'till the due date. With baby #4, something tells me I'm not going to make it. I'm shooting for Friday night, the 24th. That would be the most convenient. I'm hoping Angus is on board.

I'm as ready as I'll ever be I suppose. I don't think a mama is ever totally okay with the whole labor thing but I'm definitely not as nervous as I was the first time. I'm really excited and curious to see what this little man looks like. I'm guessing he'll look like the girls... but not as girly? 

I keep looking at my belly tripping out at the thought that there is a whole baby in there, just hanging out. I'm hoping my womb has kept him safe with Adelyn climbing around on him and Winter giving me surprise attack hugs. Life's about to get even crazier! I probably won't be blogging too much for the next few months. Anything is possible but something tells me I'll barely have time to pee.

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