Saturday, February 6, 2016

A for Angus

Angus is 9 months now! He's officially crawling, officially teething (the fussy kind) and still desperately in love with his mama. He's eating solids most days but definitely prefers breast milk. Not looking forward to weaning him. I can tell it won't be easy. 

I just took him in for his 9 month checkup. He's still off the charts in weight. He's in the 90th percentile in height and his head is in the 95th percentile. Not sure why they measure that... He weighs 25.5 pounds. That's more than Addie of course. 

I took this picture because it pretty much sums up my days. Babies and laundry. And dishes of course. That pile behind Angus is about 5 loads of clean unfolded laundry.

Angus's fav toy pictured below. An empty dog vitamin bottle. Who needs those baby toys. These days he enjoys scooting tables and chairs around, playing with open closet doors, nursing and... that's about it. He's still very happy and by far the easiest baby we've raised. His only flaw is that he does not sleep through the night. He wakes me up at 3AM most days and sometimes 1AM when he's teething. But as far as babies go, I would give him a solid A. I'm already missing the baby stage even though I'm still in it. I just see it flying by and in a few months he'll be walking... then driving, then off to college =(

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