Monday, February 15, 2016

well done mommy

Many times us moms feel like failures because it is not humanly possible to do everything that needs to get done. We are setting impossible goals. 

My house needs to be clean, laundry done, homework complete, lunches made, kids fed (healthy food?), kids bathed, dogs fed, fish fed, dog poop picked up, car cleaned out, trash emptied, self showered, etc. all while spending quality time with our little blessings while disciplining them and teaching them to be kind, respectful loving little people. NOT POSSIBLE. So I've made a list. I've decided that if I complete just ONE of these successfully, I receive a mommy gold star and a pat on the back from myself. It's time to lower that bar people!

  1. Wash, dry, (folding optional) and put away one load of laundry. 
  2. All kids fed, dressed, backpacks in tow with completed homework in homework folder inside backpack, lunches made, wearing shoes in car on our way to school on time. (This deserves 5 gold stars)
  3. The girls have clean socks (matching optional) and clean underwear to wear to school
  4. Mommy showered, hair done and wearing makeup... Before noon
  5. Dishwasher unloaded in the AM
  6. Discipline without yelling
  7. Make a dinner that includes a fruit or vegetable.
  8. Read someone a story
  9. Spend time with a kid coloring or doing a puzzle.
  10. Walk dogs
  11. Pick up dog poop
  12. Take kids somewhere fun like the park
  13. Spend less than $100 at target
  14. Remember to take list to the grocery store and actually get everything on it
  15. Toilet paper in all three bathrooms.
  16. All of the children bathed. (Soap optional)
  17. Remember to have everyone brush their teeth before bed.
  18. Kids in bed with no spankings
  19. All kids asleep before 8:00

What's on your list?!

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