Friday, February 5, 2016


Okay if you remember when I talked about how I was going to blog only on Mondays to devote more time and energy to other things during the week, try to forget all about that. I like to blog more than just once a week it turns out. It is therapeutic for me and if I find time during the day when the babies are both napping at the same time, like now, I write. Sometimes I can't for over a week. Just depends.

Soooooo that being said, I still want to have a special day devoted to one of my great passions in life, health and fitness. (I know that's two but they go hand in hand) If you know me at all, you won't be surprised to hear this. I started out majoring in health in college but I was 18 and changed my major to undecided and well you know how that goes. 

I AM NO EXPERT. However, I have subscribed to several health magazines for about 2 decades and I now consider myself a health magazine graduate =) If only they had degrees for that. I have read so many that I rarely read anything new anymore. Of course I have read books as well so I'm not a complete ding dong. But I like the magazines because they come out with the newest info each month. You know, it's funny. All of these crazy diets and special health foods and it really just comes down to the old saying, "Eat less, exercise more." That's a huge part of it. So easy to say. SOOOO hard to do. 

Over the years I have learned to love exercise and healthy foods and I want to share that with as many people as possible. Fitness is a tricky business. It takes commitment and hard work. I have so many great ideas and tricks that have worked for me. So I thought, why not share them. So, from this day forward, every Friday will be known (on my blog) as... DUNT DUNNA NUUUUUN!... FITNESS FRIDAY!!! haha, obviously I'm excited about this. But please don't hold me to it. If I forget one Friday, sorry. I have four kids, ages 6 and under. 

Okay, so for today I want to kind of set the tone for the Fitness Friday posts. Each Friday I will be offering tips, ideas, suggestions and encouraging you to join me in the exciting world of eating less and exercising more! 

But in case you need help getting started making healthy changes or getting in the healthy/fit mindset, here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Ask yourself, what is my goal? Do I want to lose weight? Do I want to simply firm up my skinny-fat thighs? (That means that you are a flabby skinny girl or guy. You wear a small size but you are very jiggly. This includes most skinny people over the age of 30) Do I want to start eating healthier? Once you have answered these questions about what it is that you want to do, write down your goals. 

2. Next, how are you going to obtain these goals? What is the best option for you and your family? Is the gym something you would like? Or are you the type of person that has to be outside? Brainstorm some things you enjoy doing that you could include in your everyday exercise routine. Do you know anyone that would be able to exercise with you and start a healthy eating plan? If you want to start eating healthier, brainstorm with your hubby or a good friend how you are going to do this.

3. Get serious. Make a plan. Make a grocery list. Make an exercise plan. When are you going to exercise? 

4. Get started! Set your alarm and get up and actually get moving. I always like getting started on a Monday for some reason. It is the first day after the weekend and it feels like a new week even though new weeks technically start on a Sunday. 

5. Go to bed on time. If we are going to exert extra energy on exercise, we need rest. we are going to have to decide if we would prefer to carry on with watching our fav shows until we pass out OR we can do something productive and go to sleep. (I like to read a chapter in a good book then lights out) There is always time to catch up on those shows on the weekend.

6. Okay, good luck! I will be cheering you on every Friday! <3


  1. I love it. Good job honey. Keep inspiring us.

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