Sunday, October 30, 2016


When you find a whole family that you enjoy spending time with, and your kids get along, you treasure them. We love this family and our kids love each other too. 

We went up to Santa Barbara recently to hang out with Dan's cousin Wendy and her family. We left the babies with my mom to make it a more enjoyable trip for everyone. Of course we love our one and two year old. They're just terrible travelers. Thanks again Mom! Isn't she just the best?

There were lots of laughs, lounging around while the kids played and just quality time.

Fun on the trampoline

Dance party

One of Dan's favorite spots

The four of us

In case this firefighter thing doesn't work out, he can always try the cop thing =)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

prodigal abs

With all the cancer happening all around me, I'm always thinking about it. Ways to prevent it, ways to look for it. You can never be too vigilant.

So lately, when I lay down to watch my (new to me) favorite show (The Good Wife), I've noticed kind of a hard spot in my upper stomach area. At first I thought it was gas but it was still there after a week or so, so I told Dan to feel it. Honey, I said, there's a hard spot in my stomach that's kind of new. What do you think it is? Gas? Are my intestines twisting? Maybe it's a tumor.

He felt around for the hard spot and said well I'm pretty sure those are your abdominal muscles. It's been awhile since you've felt them huh? Then he laughed at me. 

I didn't have a tumor, I was just developing abs again. With all the pregnancies over the last 8 years, I guess I lost those muscles and I guess I forgot what they used to feel like.

Nice to see ya guys.

Monday, October 24, 2016

doodle drama

So I see this as I'm going upstairs:

I know that even though it says Mya, there's no way she would ever write on a blanket. Plus her Y is backwards. It is obvious it is the doodle work of a 5-year-old.

Me: Who wrote on this blanket? (Looking at Winter)

Winter: Ummm Angus?

Me: Angus wrote Mya?

Winter: ummm

Me: Winter, do NOT lie to me.

Winter: Okay well I was holding a pen over it and I accidentally dropped it and it got all crazy and started scribbling everywhere.

Me: (trying so hard not to laugh) Winter that doesn't even make sense. I said don't lie to me. Why did you write on this blanket? We don't write on blankets.

Winter: (quietly) Yeah I forgot that...

Me: Turn off the TV and go to your room. You're in big trouble.

Winter: (bursts into tears) But Mommy I forgot!!! I forgooooooot!!

Addie sitting next to her also started crying yelling Mommy I forgoooooot!!!

Me: Addie what are you doing? You didn't write on the blanket. You're not in trouble.

Addie: (quietly) okay

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

look out flies

My new fly swatters arrived today. I'm genuinely excited. I hate flies in my house. I don't know many people who don't.

My grandma used to yell at us when we would leave the door open for more than a second. I can still hear her screaming, "Close that door! You're lettin' the flies in!" I thought she was being pretty ridiculous but now I get it. There are few things more annoying than a giant fly in your house, buzzing around you when you're trying to change diapers or get the dishes done. It's just one more thing driving me crazy.

They make their way inside as soon as someone opens the door. Angus loves to open and close the back sliding screen and I let him because his happiness trumps any inconvenience it may bring. Just keep the toddlers happy. Kind of a rule if you have them. There's also a hole in the screen that is the perfect height for Angus to use to open and close the screen. Sooo we have a fly situation.

I've actually become quite the fly smacking expert. Well at least I used to be. There is a crack in my plastic fly swatter causing a small delay in the smack. Dan doesn't believe me. And he's really doubting my fly swatting skills.

I've been looking for a new fly swatter everywhere. Every time I go to Target I ask one of those helpful people in a red shirt to point me in the right direction but no one seems to know where that is. They usually say something like, hmmmm fly swatters. I know we have them. Or I know I've seen them..., but they have no idea where. Try over there with the kitchen utensils. Nope. I've been to several grocery stores and nothing. Even IKEA, the land of everything you never knew you've always needed, does not carry fly swatters.

So after literally months of my search, I just went on Amazon. Amazon has a plethora of different fly swatters. Plastic, wire, rubber etc. seeing as the plastic one cracked pretty easily I went with the old school wire handled ones.
They remind me of the one my mom used to use to smack my thigh after I got too big for spankings. In her defense, she was only 5 ft tall and 100 pounds and I was completely terrified of that fly swatter. It stung pretty good.

So that's the one I went with. A two pack. Now those pesky little flies don't stand a chance. I'm looking forward to the hunt.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I think one of the main things that keeps me sane is this blog. It has helped me find humor in just about anything. It gives purpose to those crazy, hard, and often humorous days of parenting. 

Overheard this while Winter and Addie were playing school:

Winter: Addie do you know what 0 + 5 is?
Addie: Uh yeah, Addie!
Winter: No Addie, it's 6.

I often get most of my material when Dan is at work. That is when the four of them totally gang up on me. I used to think it was in my head but now I know for sure that when it is me alone, they see an opportunity for bending the rules, seeing how much they can get away with and finding that exact moment when mommy goes from a little cranky to totally over the edge, lost it mommy. Obviously they are fighting for my attention any way they can get it too.

I try to have a good attitude. The mornings are usually fine but the moment I pick the big girls up from school, something happens and we all quickly turn into whiny, selfish, needy people, including myself. Anyway, so that's when the fun stuff begins. My writing material. And we usually go places so I don't go crazy. Then the kids get to interact with other people. That's always interesting. 

Yesterday, we went to the park because it was only 2:30 and there were no naps in sight and the little ones were taking turns crying and the big ones were fighting over balloons and the last of the good granola bars. 

I texted Mari to see if she wanted to get out, and she replied with a picture of her 2 year old losing it. We decided to get homework done and head out. She picked up In 'N' Out 'cause she's awesome and I got to the park ahead of her. There were other people there as there usually are. 

Angus walked over to an older gentleman and reached up to him. It made the man feel awkward I think. He was like, "Oh hi little boy, where's your mama?" (I was happy that he knew he was a boy. Angus has been getting a lot of girl comments lately. I think it's the hair.) I didn't walk over to him right away because I was still setting up my blanket and stuff. Angus, arms still up, started yelling at the man because he wanted him to put him in the swing. I laughed to myself and the man laughed uncomfortably. Finally I walked over and put him in. 

Then, Winter announced to the park that she had to go poopoo and walked over to the bathroom. She must have discovered the acoustics in the bathroom because after she had been in there for a few minutes, she let out a bellowing LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! It sounded like a cross between a cow, an opera singer and maybe a call for help. 
A nearby lady jumped at the sound and exclaimed, "What was THAT?!" 
I replied, "Oh that's my daughter." She looked at me with great concern and said, "Well is she okay?" 
"Oh yeah, she's fine." I said. "A little crazy." She just stared at me with a go check on her look. So, I walked over there to make the lady feel better. She really looked worried. It was a pretty loud noise. I walked in the bathroom and said, "Hey Winter, you okay?" And of course she replied, slightly annoyed, uhhh yeeaaaah. Just goin' pottyyyy. 

I came out and told the lady she was fine. 

The old man and the scared lady left a few minutes later.

We stayed for a long time. It was a pretty successful park trip I would say. 

Saturday, October 8, 2016

10 things i love about you

A lot of the time I feel like all I do is complain. It's well hidden in sarcastic humor but still falls under the complaining category. So every once in a while I feel the need to even things out and write something like this...

God loves me. I know that. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing why. A lot of the time I feel like a horrible parent with anger problems. He loves me anyway. And He paired me with these kids which means he thinks I'm the best mom for them. I always pray that God would help me see my kids and husband the way He does. I'm visual so it helps me see things written (or typed) down. And since I love lists...

I decided to make a list of 10 things I love about my husband and my kids. AND 10 things I love about me. It's hard to think of things you love about yourself. I could write a novel about my faults. But that's not what my Heavenly Father see's.

Dan - 
  • He can fix anything. Even if he doesn't know how, he'll figure it out.
  • He's super athletic. I love that he can play any sport well. 
  • He is very smart, logical and practical. I think he has more common sense than most.
  • He makes me laugh and he shares my sarcasm.
  • He puts his family first.
  • He is humble and welcomes criticism. Then he tries to work on it.
  • He takes care of my mom.
  • He is extremely honest. If I ask him a question I know he will tell me exactly what he is thinking.
  • He loves me tons.
  • He loves God and wants to be a better man.

Mya -
  • She is sensitive to others' feelings.
  • She laughs easily. I love that she gets uncontrollably silly when she's tired.
  • She is happy just spending time with me.
  • She works at everything with persistence and determination
  • More than any of my children, I see myself in her. I love that I'm such a big part of her.
  • She is impressively good at puzzles and games. I love that my 7 year old can totally beat me at several games. And I love that one of her favorite things to do is play Sudoku with her dad and she even says it correctly.
  • School comes easy for her. Her teacher told me last year that she helps everyone when they are having a hard time understanding, even the unpopular kids =)
  • She is so thoughtful, always wanting to make someone happy. When I take her to Target to pick out a toy, she always has to get one for her sisters and brother.
  • She writes me letters and notes all the time.
  • She takes care of her siblings. She is a natural nurturer. 

Winter - 
  • I love Winter's sassiness. She always says what she is thinking and it usually makes me smile. There have been so many times when I'm correcting her and I just start laughing.  
  • I love how unconditionally she loves me. I can do no wrong by her. She is quick to forgive and is ALWAYS down for a hug. 
  • I love her hunger for nature. Winter's happy place is in dirt, looking for creatures or holding some animal, like a chicken or a rabbit.
  • I love that she is never unsure of anything. She either loves it or hates it, laughs or cries. She's all in with her emotions. 
  • I love her imagination. I love that she can think up a story anytime, anywhere.
  • I love that she's fearless with any creature big or small. From a flea to a horse, there is no fear of what that creature can do to her. 
  • She doesn't take life too seriously. She always brings silliness to any situation. She sings while she cleans up her toys and makes farting noises while we drive to school just to make Mya and Addie laugh. 
  • She will talk to anyone. She makes friends easily when she wants to. People are drawn to her even if she's being slightly annoying or naughty.
  • She's independent. She's perfectly happy playing by herself for hours. And she's never needed Mom or Dad to hold her hand in any new situation. Winter has never cried when dropped off at the nursery or preschool or Kindergarten. Not one single time. 
  • She is so good with Addie. She can calm her down and defuse most of her blowups. She patiently explains things to her in a way that I can't.
Adelyn - 
  • She has more personality than I have ever seen in any 2 year old. She loves making people laugh. 
  • I love that she tells me when she's happy and when she's sad. She is in touch with her feelings. She feels things deeply. She's very passionate. 
  • She is adorable and knows it. She knows how to work the cuteness factor.
  • She is forgiving and loving. I can always get a hug from her.
  • She is a little sponge. She remembers everything. She learns so much from her big sisters. 
  • She is social. She will talk to anyone big or small. Most small children are afraid to talk to strangers but not Addie. She will give them a hug if they ask. 
  • I love that she is so tiny yet so loud. Dan and I always ask her why she's yelling. Her response is always, "Because I'm yelling!"
  • She knows the rules and does not like it when they are not followed. She likes things in their place. She's organized and orderly and consistent. 
  • I love that she thinks she is a big girl. She doesn't see why she can't do anything her sisters can do. She's not smaller in her mind. 
  • I love that she already has an imagination and can play by herself and act out Barbie scenarios.
Angus - 
  • I love how affectionate Angus is. He comes up to hug me and kisses me about 1000 times a day. He always greets me with a hug when I leave and come back. Even if it's just to the mailbox.
  • I love how much he loves dogs. He LOVES dogs and he loves our dogs. He lays on them all the time and makes a mmmmmm sound. 
  • I love that he has always loved balls. Probably since birth. Anytime he sees a new ball, he squeals.
  • I love that he loves me so much. He is definitely my number one fan. 
  • I love that he loves the stroller and the car. He's perfectly happy just strolling or riding along for a very long time.
  • I love how excited he gets when he see's planes or helicopters.
  • I love how boyish he is. He loves sticks and balls and climbing things. 
  • He's such a happy baby. If you smile at him, he will smile back. So many things make him happy. He loves life.
  • He's very sensitive. I love how easily he gets his feelings hurt. For a long time I couldn't tell him no or he would just lose it. He is a pretty obedient little guy too.
  • He looks like his daddy which is pretty adorable. I love seeing a little version of my husband walking around. 
Me - 
  • I am easy going 
  • I am observant
  • I am funny
  • I am dependable and responsible
  • I am considerate of other people's feelings
  • I am confident
  • I am athletic
  • I have a nice singing voice
  • I am a good dancer
  • I plan ahead and am organized when given a task

I challenge you to make your own lists. How does your Heavenly Father see you??

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

establishing dominance

Mya and Winter grew up so fast that I sometimes forget the many different stages that they went through.

Luckily we get to experience the adventure of having two littles so close all over again! 

Angus and Addie are at that perfect age for toddler fighting. It is the best kind of fighting... haha no. They are irrational, nonsensical, completely ridiculous fights. And they start anytime, anywhere. And they are usually because...

Addie takes Angus's toy.

Angus takes Addie's toy. 
Addie is sitting on the couch and Angus comes and sits on top of her. It's a giant couch by the way. 
Addie is sitting on one of the two little pink princess chairs and Angus wants that chair. Not the other one. That one. 
When Addie cries, Angus laughs and smacks her. I think in his mind he's being helpful. 
Angus steals Addie's snack. 

When toddlers fight, no one wins. But mom comes out the big loser with two crying little people. 

For the most part, Angus is the troublemaker. But Addie is no angel. Right now, I'm thankful for staggering nap times.

Addie was sitting here first. Angus climbed up, sat on top of her, and is now trying to take her paci. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

take 2

Lice. First time, freak the freak out. Second time, cool as a cucumber. Kind of like having a baby. I think it's the unknown that we fear the most. 

We thought we made it through the summer without getting lice which was kind of a miracle since there seems to be a bit of an outbreak in our area. And we live in a community where the kids spend every waking moment together over the summer. I knew it was too good to be true. Winter must have contracted lice before we went to the beach and had it the whole time.

Last Sunday, a friend at church commented that I should check Winters hair because she was scratching a lot as we were leaving. I told her that Winter was just an itchy kid, which is true. She's always scratching something. But we knew the truth. Dan and I looked at each other with that we're screwed look. 

When we got home, we went to work. I examined Winters hair and found big mama lice. Like 10. I felt like a really bad mom for not even noticing. But I quickly got over that and went into rid my home of the lice mode. Without even discussing our plan, Dan and I both did what needed to be done. He bagged and washed. I lathered and combed.

Winter wanted to see every single creepy crawler and didn't want me to flush any of them. I enjoyed combing the giant bugs and nits out of my daughter's hair... Does that make us slightly gross? Perhaps.

Nobody else had anything. Mya had some questionable nit looking things in her hair but nothing crazy. Why does winter always get stuff? If there is anything contagious within a mile of us, Winter will catch it. They are sisters. They hug, share brushes, watch movies in my bed together... It's a mystery.

Mya has SUPER long hair. Not ideal for combing but we got through it.

When your kids get lice you become a lice expert. You research like you've never researched before. You would ace any exam on the subject. 
There really should be a parenting class with a chapter dedicated to lice.