Tuesday, October 18, 2016

look out flies

My new fly swatters arrived today. I'm genuinely excited. I hate flies in my house. I don't know many people who don't.

My grandma used to yell at us when we would leave the door open for more than a second. I can still hear her screaming, "Close that door! You're lettin' the flies in!" I thought she was being pretty ridiculous but now I get it. There are few things more annoying than a giant fly in your house, buzzing around you when you're trying to change diapers or get the dishes done. It's just one more thing driving me crazy.

They make their way inside as soon as someone opens the door. Angus loves to open and close the back sliding screen and I let him because his happiness trumps any inconvenience it may bring. Just keep the toddlers happy. Kind of a rule if you have them. There's also a hole in the screen that is the perfect height for Angus to use to open and close the screen. Sooo we have a fly situation.

I've actually become quite the fly smacking expert. Well at least I used to be. There is a crack in my plastic fly swatter causing a small delay in the smack. Dan doesn't believe me. And he's really doubting my fly swatting skills.

I've been looking for a new fly swatter everywhere. Every time I go to Target I ask one of those helpful people in a red shirt to point me in the right direction but no one seems to know where that is. They usually say something like, hmmmm fly swatters. I know we have them. Or I know I've seen them..., but they have no idea where. Try over there with the kitchen utensils. Nope. I've been to several grocery stores and nothing. Even IKEA, the land of everything you never knew you've always needed, does not carry fly swatters.

So after literally months of my search, I just went on Amazon. Amazon has a plethora of different fly swatters. Plastic, wire, rubber etc. seeing as the plastic one cracked pretty easily I went with the old school wire handled ones.
They remind me of the one my mom used to use to smack my thigh after I got too big for spankings. In her defense, she was only 5 ft tall and 100 pounds and I was completely terrified of that fly swatter. It stung pretty good.

So that's the one I went with. A two pack. Now those pesky little flies don't stand a chance. I'm looking forward to the hunt.

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