Wednesday, October 12, 2016


I think one of the main things that keeps me sane is this blog. It has helped me find humor in just about anything. It gives purpose to those crazy, hard, and often humorous days of parenting. 

Overheard this while Winter and Addie were playing school:

Winter: Addie do you know what 0 + 5 is?
Addie: Uh yeah, Addie!
Winter: No Addie, it's 6.

I often get most of my material when Dan is at work. That is when the four of them totally gang up on me. I used to think it was in my head but now I know for sure that when it is me alone, they see an opportunity for bending the rules, seeing how much they can get away with and finding that exact moment when mommy goes from a little cranky to totally over the edge, lost it mommy. Obviously they are fighting for my attention any way they can get it too.

I try to have a good attitude. The mornings are usually fine but the moment I pick the big girls up from school, something happens and we all quickly turn into whiny, selfish, needy people, including myself. Anyway, so that's when the fun stuff begins. My writing material. And we usually go places so I don't go crazy. Then the kids get to interact with other people. That's always interesting. 

Yesterday, we went to the park because it was only 2:30 and there were no naps in sight and the little ones were taking turns crying and the big ones were fighting over balloons and the last of the good granola bars. 

I texted Mari to see if she wanted to get out, and she replied with a picture of her 2 year old losing it. We decided to get homework done and head out. She picked up In 'N' Out 'cause she's awesome and I got to the park ahead of her. There were other people there as there usually are. 

Angus walked over to an older gentleman and reached up to him. It made the man feel awkward I think. He was like, "Oh hi little boy, where's your mama?" (I was happy that he knew he was a boy. Angus has been getting a lot of girl comments lately. I think it's the hair.) I didn't walk over to him right away because I was still setting up my blanket and stuff. Angus, arms still up, started yelling at the man because he wanted him to put him in the swing. I laughed to myself and the man laughed uncomfortably. Finally I walked over and put him in. 

Then, Winter announced to the park that she had to go poopoo and walked over to the bathroom. She must have discovered the acoustics in the bathroom because after she had been in there for a few minutes, she let out a bellowing LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! It sounded like a cross between a cow, an opera singer and maybe a call for help. 
A nearby lady jumped at the sound and exclaimed, "What was THAT?!" 
I replied, "Oh that's my daughter." She looked at me with great concern and said, "Well is she okay?" 
"Oh yeah, she's fine." I said. "A little crazy." She just stared at me with a go check on her look. So, I walked over there to make the lady feel better. She really looked worried. It was a pretty loud noise. I walked in the bathroom and said, "Hey Winter, you okay?" And of course she replied, slightly annoyed, uhhh yeeaaaah. Just goin' pottyyyy. 

I came out and told the lady she was fine. 

The old man and the scared lady left a few minutes later.

We stayed for a long time. It was a pretty successful park trip I would say. 


  1. Wow. I seriously just laughed out loud, and then tried to explain it to my teenage boys, who looked at me like I'm crazy. :) Keep writing, Amie. Humor is a gift!

  2. Wow. I seriously just laughed out loud, and then tried to explain it to my teenage boys, who looked at me like I'm crazy. :) Keep writing, Amie. Humor is a gift!
