Monday, October 24, 2016

doodle drama

So I see this as I'm going upstairs:

I know that even though it says Mya, there's no way she would ever write on a blanket. Plus her Y is backwards. It is obvious it is the doodle work of a 5-year-old.

Me: Who wrote on this blanket? (Looking at Winter)

Winter: Ummm Angus?

Me: Angus wrote Mya?

Winter: ummm

Me: Winter, do NOT lie to me.

Winter: Okay well I was holding a pen over it and I accidentally dropped it and it got all crazy and started scribbling everywhere.

Me: (trying so hard not to laugh) Winter that doesn't even make sense. I said don't lie to me. Why did you write on this blanket? We don't write on blankets.

Winter: (quietly) Yeah I forgot that...

Me: Turn off the TV and go to your room. You're in big trouble.

Winter: (bursts into tears) But Mommy I forgot!!! I forgooooooot!!

Addie sitting next to her also started crying yelling Mommy I forgoooooot!!!

Me: Addie what are you doing? You didn't write on the blanket. You're not in trouble.

Addie: (quietly) okay

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