Wednesday, October 5, 2016

establishing dominance

Mya and Winter grew up so fast that I sometimes forget the many different stages that they went through.

Luckily we get to experience the adventure of having two littles so close all over again! 

Angus and Addie are at that perfect age for toddler fighting. It is the best kind of fighting... haha no. They are irrational, nonsensical, completely ridiculous fights. And they start anytime, anywhere. And they are usually because...

Addie takes Angus's toy.

Angus takes Addie's toy. 
Addie is sitting on the couch and Angus comes and sits on top of her. It's a giant couch by the way. 
Addie is sitting on one of the two little pink princess chairs and Angus wants that chair. Not the other one. That one. 
When Addie cries, Angus laughs and smacks her. I think in his mind he's being helpful. 
Angus steals Addie's snack. 

When toddlers fight, no one wins. But mom comes out the big loser with two crying little people. 

For the most part, Angus is the troublemaker. But Addie is no angel. Right now, I'm thankful for staggering nap times.

Addie was sitting here first. Angus climbed up, sat on top of her, and is now trying to take her paci. 

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