Saturday, October 8, 2016

10 things i love about you

A lot of the time I feel like all I do is complain. It's well hidden in sarcastic humor but still falls under the complaining category. So every once in a while I feel the need to even things out and write something like this...

God loves me. I know that. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing why. A lot of the time I feel like a horrible parent with anger problems. He loves me anyway. And He paired me with these kids which means he thinks I'm the best mom for them. I always pray that God would help me see my kids and husband the way He does. I'm visual so it helps me see things written (or typed) down. And since I love lists...

I decided to make a list of 10 things I love about my husband and my kids. AND 10 things I love about me. It's hard to think of things you love about yourself. I could write a novel about my faults. But that's not what my Heavenly Father see's.

Dan - 
  • He can fix anything. Even if he doesn't know how, he'll figure it out.
  • He's super athletic. I love that he can play any sport well. 
  • He is very smart, logical and practical. I think he has more common sense than most.
  • He makes me laugh and he shares my sarcasm.
  • He puts his family first.
  • He is humble and welcomes criticism. Then he tries to work on it.
  • He takes care of my mom.
  • He is extremely honest. If I ask him a question I know he will tell me exactly what he is thinking.
  • He loves me tons.
  • He loves God and wants to be a better man.

Mya -
  • She is sensitive to others' feelings.
  • She laughs easily. I love that she gets uncontrollably silly when she's tired.
  • She is happy just spending time with me.
  • She works at everything with persistence and determination
  • More than any of my children, I see myself in her. I love that I'm such a big part of her.
  • She is impressively good at puzzles and games. I love that my 7 year old can totally beat me at several games. And I love that one of her favorite things to do is play Sudoku with her dad and she even says it correctly.
  • School comes easy for her. Her teacher told me last year that she helps everyone when they are having a hard time understanding, even the unpopular kids =)
  • She is so thoughtful, always wanting to make someone happy. When I take her to Target to pick out a toy, she always has to get one for her sisters and brother.
  • She writes me letters and notes all the time.
  • She takes care of her siblings. She is a natural nurturer. 

Winter - 
  • I love Winter's sassiness. She always says what she is thinking and it usually makes me smile. There have been so many times when I'm correcting her and I just start laughing.  
  • I love how unconditionally she loves me. I can do no wrong by her. She is quick to forgive and is ALWAYS down for a hug. 
  • I love her hunger for nature. Winter's happy place is in dirt, looking for creatures or holding some animal, like a chicken or a rabbit.
  • I love that she is never unsure of anything. She either loves it or hates it, laughs or cries. She's all in with her emotions. 
  • I love her imagination. I love that she can think up a story anytime, anywhere.
  • I love that she's fearless with any creature big or small. From a flea to a horse, there is no fear of what that creature can do to her. 
  • She doesn't take life too seriously. She always brings silliness to any situation. She sings while she cleans up her toys and makes farting noises while we drive to school just to make Mya and Addie laugh. 
  • She will talk to anyone. She makes friends easily when she wants to. People are drawn to her even if she's being slightly annoying or naughty.
  • She's independent. She's perfectly happy playing by herself for hours. And she's never needed Mom or Dad to hold her hand in any new situation. Winter has never cried when dropped off at the nursery or preschool or Kindergarten. Not one single time. 
  • She is so good with Addie. She can calm her down and defuse most of her blowups. She patiently explains things to her in a way that I can't.
Adelyn - 
  • She has more personality than I have ever seen in any 2 year old. She loves making people laugh. 
  • I love that she tells me when she's happy and when she's sad. She is in touch with her feelings. She feels things deeply. She's very passionate. 
  • She is adorable and knows it. She knows how to work the cuteness factor.
  • She is forgiving and loving. I can always get a hug from her.
  • She is a little sponge. She remembers everything. She learns so much from her big sisters. 
  • She is social. She will talk to anyone big or small. Most small children are afraid to talk to strangers but not Addie. She will give them a hug if they ask. 
  • I love that she is so tiny yet so loud. Dan and I always ask her why she's yelling. Her response is always, "Because I'm yelling!"
  • She knows the rules and does not like it when they are not followed. She likes things in their place. She's organized and orderly and consistent. 
  • I love that she thinks she is a big girl. She doesn't see why she can't do anything her sisters can do. She's not smaller in her mind. 
  • I love that she already has an imagination and can play by herself and act out Barbie scenarios.
Angus - 
  • I love how affectionate Angus is. He comes up to hug me and kisses me about 1000 times a day. He always greets me with a hug when I leave and come back. Even if it's just to the mailbox.
  • I love how much he loves dogs. He LOVES dogs and he loves our dogs. He lays on them all the time and makes a mmmmmm sound. 
  • I love that he has always loved balls. Probably since birth. Anytime he sees a new ball, he squeals.
  • I love that he loves me so much. He is definitely my number one fan. 
  • I love that he loves the stroller and the car. He's perfectly happy just strolling or riding along for a very long time.
  • I love how excited he gets when he see's planes or helicopters.
  • I love how boyish he is. He loves sticks and balls and climbing things. 
  • He's such a happy baby. If you smile at him, he will smile back. So many things make him happy. He loves life.
  • He's very sensitive. I love how easily he gets his feelings hurt. For a long time I couldn't tell him no or he would just lose it. He is a pretty obedient little guy too.
  • He looks like his daddy which is pretty adorable. I love seeing a little version of my husband walking around. 
Me - 
  • I am easy going 
  • I am observant
  • I am funny
  • I am dependable and responsible
  • I am considerate of other people's feelings
  • I am confident
  • I am athletic
  • I have a nice singing voice
  • I am a good dancer
  • I plan ahead and am organized when given a task

I challenge you to make your own lists. How does your Heavenly Father see you??

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