Sunday, November 6, 2016


A very sweet friend of the family passed away recently so we piled the kids in the van and drove an hour and a half to attend the funeral service. It took place in a pretty awesome little nursery/garden. Angus was way too worked up from the car ride and pretty excited about exploring the grounds to hold still and let me listen to the service so we left Dan and the girls and ventured off.

I thought, well he's all dressed up, and how often does it happen that he's wearing clean matching clothes? Pretty much never. So I bought myself a coffee at the nursery cafe and we had a mini photo shoot.

Okay, this may sound horrible but I like to keep it candid here on my blog. And if you're reading this, future Angus, mama loves you =) 

So, at first when Angus was born, we kind of wondered about his cuteness. We got a lot of comments like wow he's all boy or wow he doesn't look like his sisters at all or awe how precious. That's what I say when some one's baby is a little weird looking. What I'm trying to say is, it took Angus a while to grow into his looks. 

But look at him now. He's 1 1/2 years old. He's just the cutest thing I've ever seen. I mean wow. Sometimes I attack hug and kiss him and bite his perfect belly because I just can't hold myself back. This guy. Seriously, have you ever seen anything like him? Okay I'm totally biased obviously. But man is he cute. <3

I take pictures of Angus all the time because clearly I have issues. But as a result he gets annoyed when I point the camera phone at him. I say smile Angus! and he yells back noooowwww! Then he looks away. So I had to get creative and yell COOKIE! Or DOGGIE! Totally worked. 

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