Friday, November 4, 2016

my man

When you've been married for a while and you have a bunch of kids, it is still possible to keep the romance alive. It looks a little different, however, but it's still doable. Chocolate and flowers would be appreciated but they would not really do much for me. The box of chocolates would be gone in one night if I'm being honest and the flowers would be hidden in the mess that is my kitchen.

I don't talk about my husband too much on my blog. For one, I don't like to brag. I think it's kind of annoying when people go on and on about how great their spouses are. (Warning: I'm totally gonna do that) And two, if we're having a bad day, I don't want to air my dirty laundry. So, I keep my Dan thoughts to a minimum usually.

But he has done some sweet stuff recently that I had to share. He's always been sweet to me but maybe it just means more lately because I'm pretty sure I've lost any patience I once had and my sanity and mind are next.

Dan shows me he loves me in many different ways.

He made two meat loaves. He wanted pork and I wanted beef so he made one for each of us. Twice as much work. So thoughtful.

On a related subject he cuts the fat off of my steak. Ever since we were dating, he's trimmed my piece of steak so I wouldn't have to. He knows I hate accidentally eating fat and I hate trying to locate it to get it all off. I know, I'm pretty high maintenance when it comes to meat. In my defense, I grew up vegetarian. 

He has taken all four kids to school drop off in the morning. Normally be leaves Angus with me and takes Addie. But a few times recently he took all four and gave me 25 minutes of quiet. One of the best gifts a mom can receive in the morning.

He always pumps my gas. Another thing he's been doing since we were dating. Whenever I stop at the gas station, he gets out and pumps. What a gent <3

The other night I was on a rampage. I was losing it. I went off on Winter for throwing clothes in the toy box again and yelled at Addie for scream/crying again which only made her continue her fit. Dan suggested I take a walk to which I snapped it's too hot outside! and went up to my room, shut the door and turned on the bathroom fan to drown out any noise downstairs. After I calmed down I came downstairs to a sink of clean dishes. Not only did I leave him downstairs to deal with the dreaded 30 mins before bed when the girls pick up the toys (with tons of reminders) and the babies cry, but he unloaded and loaded the dishwasher after he cooked dinner. Too good to me, that one.

And last Thursday we went to a Dodger playoff game. (We'll get to the World Series one of these years boys) Before we left I hadn't showered and still had to run a couple of errands. I told Dan I still needed to get ready and did not feel cute at all. So he ran the errands for me (which he does not enjoy like I do) so I could stay and shower and feel like someone who was not run over by a truck. The babies both napped so I had a whole hour to get ready. That never happens anymore. So I curled my hair! 

Thanks Honey

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