Tuesday, November 22, 2016


One of Winter's all time favorite hobbies is catching lizards. She loves to hold them, pet them, and make little homes for them. She always names them Lizzy and they are always boys. She's killed a few unfortunately. The cause of death varies from over squeezing to the occasional mishap like accidentally stepping on them. She's learned a lot about lizards in the process like you can't hold them by their tail, sometimes they bite, and they eat flies and gnats for dinner. 

I'm constantly trying to convince her to let them go so they have a better chance of survival but she loves them so much. She can't bear to let them out of her sight. Mari let her borrow this lizard cage. She caught this lizard and played with it all day. Then it was time for dinner so she made a little bed for it and put him down for the night. While the kids were eating I went to check on the lizard. It wasn't moving at all. And its little lizard arms were curled up and it was "sleeping" on its side. It looked completely dead to me. I shook the cage a little bit to double check. No movement. I asked myself, do lizards play dead

I told Winter that I was pretty sure she killed another lizard but she assured me that he was just sleeping. "No" I said. "He looks very dead sweety." 
"Okay" she said, "I'll put him in the front yard so he can come alive again." Then we had to have a short conversation about how dead things don't come alive unless they're Jesus.

So after dinner, she picked up the sleeping Lizzy and he starting wiggling around. Amazing. Lizards do play dead. "See mom! I told you he was just sleeping!" She yelled annoyed with me. Then she put him back to bed. 

It's kind of hard to see him through the net cage. He's the one sleeping on the white "pillow" made from a piece of paper towel. His blanket is also a paper towel that got wet and dirty. Cozy.

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