Thursday, November 17, 2016

me day

Dan took pity on me and sent me away to have an afternoon to myself. He requested that I not spend too much money. Challenge accepted. I pulled out all of my gift cards and decided to go to Pasadena where Burke Williams, CPK and Yogurtland are located within blocks of each other. Probably 3 of my top 10 favorite places.

I know I've written about Burke Williams before but in case you forgot, it is a spa where you are treated like royalty and they have everything you will ever need. Although I did ask them for mascara and eyeliner and an eyebrow pencil and the lady said, "No we don't have make-up but we have tooth brushes!" Not even close helpful happy lady. But it didn't matter. I'm sure my face looked 10 years younger from all the silence and relaxation anyway.

I love that place because they really keep the noise down to pretty much nonexistent. There are signs everywhere that say "refrain from conversation." And if you do start to talk to someone, as women tend to do, a member of the staff will come by and gently ding the wind chimes to remind you to be quiet so others can relax. They don't even look at you. They just slowly walk by in their passive aggressive way and ding those calming spa chimes until you get the hint. I'm going to try that at home... nope. Those wind chimes would be broken in 2 minutes.

It was super lovely. I made sure to use every single amenity. The steam room, sauna, jacuzzi, mist room, shower, vanity and the cucumber water station.. I was only able to stay in each room for like 2 minutes before I got too hot. But I enjoyed those 2 minutes. I'm not really sure what the mist room was for... I used it to cool off after the jacuzzi then hop back in. The staff must have thought I had ADD or something. I took a super long shower and shaved both legs from top to bottom. That happens about once a year right before swimsuit season usually. Then I washed my hair. Twice. Then I blew it dry and curled it just cuz. They have curling irons at the vanity station! I do love a good vanity with a nice cushiony round seat. So nice. When the kids grow up and I have time to sit and do my hair and makeup, I'm going to need one for sure.

So when I had been there longer than anyone has ever been there, I said thank you and walked my relaxed, curly haired self over to CPK where I ordered two of my very favorite things. A giant Blue Moon with an orange in it and a BBQ chopped chicken salad.

And after that, since I had a Yogurtland gift card (I'm holding onto for Mya), I got myself a treat for the walk back to my car. It was a perfect afternoon/evening. And I came home to a clean house and all the kids in bed. Best day ever.

And then I noticed I had two different colored flip flops on. How do I keep doing that?