Sunday, November 27, 2016

Addie's 3!

I cannot believe how fast this year went. She just turned two. I think I was so focused on surviving that I didn't realize 3 was coming. I made the mistake of telling her she was going to have a birthday soon, back in October. Why? Not sure. Sometimes I say things and immediately regret them. She's been telling everyone, Ma birfdays comin yeah! I gonna be fwee! So everyday she's been asking if we're going to do her birfday today... Soon! I say. Oh yaaaaay!! She screams. 

It finally came. We celebrated up in Bakersfield since we were there for the Thanksgiving holiday. I let her pick her cake. She wanted banana bread. I let her pick her balloons. She requested 5 green ones and a Mickey balloon. My sister Wendy took her shopping to pick out a new baby doll and her birthday was complete. Birthdays are way easy when there are no expectations. She was super excited about not a whole lot.

Now we can move on with our lives and she can tell people she's 3. 

P.S. Thanks for the shirt Mari! Good ol' Mari =)

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