Saturday, November 12, 2016

when the cat's away

When Daddy is at work things are a bit different at home. Mommy goes straight to survival mode. Pots and pans all over the floor getting dog hair in them. Worth it. You want to eat in the living room? Fine. As long as you're quiet. Anything that will stop Addie from whining goes. Angus, you want to go outside and get soaking wet and come back in and track it through the house? Works for me. Just do it quietly.

When Dan is home, we are a somewhat normal family. Chaotic and messy, but there are rules and a method to the madness if you will. But when he's at work for a few days, especially for like 4 or 5 days at a time, Mommy is just trying to keep everyone safe and fed. That's literally my goal. Eat and don't get hurt please. I started documenting my days and realized things have gotten a little bit out of control here. Dan you may just want to stop reading here... =)

A few days ago, I locked my keys in my car at soccer practice. No biggie. I was there for an hour anyway. So I called my trustee AAA people and they sent a guy to unlock the door. Kind of embarrassing yes. No one really noticed at first... But then the anti-burglary honking horn went off until I could climb through the front seat all the way to the very back trunk part where my purse was, locate my keys in my bottomless purse and fumble with the buttons until it stopped. Whatever. 

The next day, literally one minute before it was time to go to morning drop off, Angus broke into the baby proofed cabinet, shook a diet coke then threw it against the cupboard door where it exploded everywhere. He cried loudly because no one likes to be sprayed with soda and the girls had lots of questions and mom yelled at everyone to go away, cleaned it up with paper towels and baby wipes and managed to get a picture AND get to school on time. 

I live completely flustered and tired most days but I still try to be crafty. But then it comes out like this. 

Mya and Winter have become very independent. This is them eating dinner (nuked Jimmy Dean's egg and sausage sandwiches) out front on folding tables, a stroller and a stepping stool. Winter's wearing PJ's and Mya is wearing a princess dress up gown.

Dan would NEVER allow this. Angus is standing on a chair (not really allowed in our house) playing right next to the stove (definitely not allowed), with stuff on the stove. But it makes him sooo happy. 

And we never give the kids candy...

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