Tuesday, November 15, 2016

addie time

A day with Addie:

Starts out like this...

Then this happens... Thank goodness for those little holes in the top of the sink. Otherwise my bathroom would be flooded. "I wash my hands and den I do dis mama."

Dan came home so we separated the two little people because... well, the top picture.  So Addie came with me to run errands. She has to go potty everywhere we go. I never know if she actually has to go. I don't really want to call her bluff and deal with a puddle on the floor. So we've seen every potty in every store we've walked into since June. The super hand dryers are very exciting. All the ladies in the stalls get to hear it going on and off and Addie screaming every time it comes back on.

Thrift store carts are just the perfect size to push. Got some new pants for Angus. 

My crazy little Addie <3

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