Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Our church has a nursery where we get to drop off our little ones and enjoy a quiet, kid free hour or two of worship and fellowship. What a brilliant, life saving idea that was, whoever thought of it. 

Winter's nursery routine makes me laugh every time we go to church. And I am there a lot for GUM (Growing Up Mom), bible study and Sunday service. She asks for her check in tag as soon as we get out of the car. She runs as fast as she can go, yells "here!" to the check in desk, throws her tag through the window to the check in person, pushes open the gate, books it to her favorite springy rocking horse and rides until I get there and tell her to go in her classroom. 

It's not really the way we are supposed to do it but hey, it works AND it is very efficient. By the time I walk up to the nursery with the baby, we are all checked in and ready to go. Winter knows she only has a few minutes with that horse all to herself. She's no fool. And the nursery staff find it amusing every time. Well at least they pretend to.  

When it is time to check out, I go get Winter from the 3-year-old room so she can run over to the baby room and shout to whoever is holding Addie, "We need our baby back! We need our baby back!" She makes them laugh but she's very serious. She stands there until they hand the baby over to me. 

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