Saturday, March 15, 2014


This is a pretty huge event for Foothill Christian Preschool and K-8. This year Dan had to work again so it was me and the girls. The parking is HORRENDOUS but I prayed real hard and of course my God hooked me up with a spot right out front! I got there just as someone was leaving. 

So off we went to ride bikes in a circle for 10 minutes. We were literally there for 20 minutes tops. It was a hot day and I had the baby in the bjorn. So even though there was tons of fun stuff going on like bouncers, games, cotton candy, etc., I told the girls we were going to go home and get a special surprise. I gave them some candy and they were totally happy. So here is the footage from their 10 minutes of wheel-a-thonning. I convinced them to let Mya and Winter ride together even though they are in separate classes. "Winter can totally hang" I told them :) And she can. She was SO happy and didn't even care that those were Mya's classmates. I don't even know if she noticed.

This is our second year doing this and I am reminded again of the turtle and the hare when I watch these kids. The girls are the turtles and the boys are the hares. The boys start out so fast on their scooters wizzing in and out of the traffic, but they are soon tired and half of them crash and take out 4 or 5 riders. It's hilarious and so entertaining. The girls just happily ride along not caring how fast they are going. One little girl even had fairy wings and a crown on her helmet. Kids. Gotta love 'em.

Start your engines...


Man, that was intense. 

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