Saturday, March 8, 2014

snack snatcher

Winter is constantly trying to take things that don't belong to her. She just walks out of the nursery or the neighbor's house with a purse on her shoulder or a dolly in her arm like it's hers. I'm not sure if she doesn't see anything wrong with that or she just thinks I won't notice... Maybe we should have a talk about stealing. 

Yesterday, we were hanging out at our neighbor's house (the Andersons') Winter had a backpack on that was not hers so I reminded her a few times that she needed to leave it there when it was time to go. So when it came time to leave, of course she wanted to take it home. She put up a bit of a fight but eventually threw it on the floor and walked out. 

As we started home, Nancy Anderson had opened the backpack and was laughing when she showed me the inside. Winter had gathered a bunch of snacks from the Andersons' garage and stashed them in the backpack! What a little klepto.  It had rice crispy treats, fruit snacks, Caprisuns, granola bars, you know, the good stuff. We try to keep snacks pretty healthy and boring at our house and poor deprived Winter saw her window of oportunity :)

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