Monday, March 31, 2014


We just got back from Hume Lake Christian Camp. It was the annual firefighter's retreat. We always have the best time. This is our 3rd year. The first year, Dan had a boot on his foot from an ankle injury. It snowed that year so that was fun. Last year I was pregnant and feeling pretty yucky. Despite those things, both years were some of the best times we've spent together as a couple. We also grew so much spiritually and connected with other couples. 

There are so many awesome things about Hume Lake. If you haven't been, I strongly urge you to check it out. Great food, beautiful mountain scenery, awesome speakers, and TONS to do. Bikes, kayaks, golf carts, massage therapists, a ropes course, fishing, archery, a shooting range or just taking a 3 mile walk around the lake. We did that twice. 

This year we took the baby with us. We both kind of expected it to be not as fun but she did excellent and everyone swooned, especially the men :) 

Here are some pics from the weekend:

It snowed the night before our last day. Doesn't get much prettier.

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