Sunday, July 27, 2014

babies vs. little girls

Mari and I were talking about this the other day. It's so sad that the babies get all of our patience, love and energy while the other girls get very little. 

When the baby cries, I say, "Oh poor witto baby, what's the matter huh?" When the girls cry, it's "Why are you crying?!" 

When the baby wakes us up in the morning, it's "Awe, did you wake up? Did you have a nice sleep? Mama loves you." With the girls, it's, "Get out of my room. Go watch Diego. I'm still sleeping." 

When the baby gets hurt it's, "Dan, look at her head. Is she bleeding? She can't get a concusion just falling over right?" With the girls it's, "You're fine! Go play." 

When the baby is hungry, I cut up a peach and an apple and blend it in the Vitamix. When the girls are hungry, I say, "Go get a granola bar." 

I hope they don't resent her...

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