Thursday, July 3, 2014

summer stuff

The girls graduated to big girl bunk beds. We still find Winter asleep on the floor but she says she likes her new bed.

If you would have asked me if I planned to be a Sunday-school teacher 10 years ago, I would have said, not a chance. But here I am teaching Sunday School for the first grade class. I'm just a summer fill-in. Nothing serious. The hardest part of the job is finding a way to get them to stop talking and listen to the teacher! I used to be that chatty-kathy. Pay back's a... ;)

We went to the beach with our bible study group and a few others. 

This is Mya's "smore." She just likes the graham cracker. Winter just eats the chocolate :)

The little girls got together and started a fire in a near-by fire pit. I think the previous party left some smoke but they stirred it up and made a full on fire. They chanted over and over, "We made a fiiiya! We made a fiiiiya!" It was kind of scary but amusing.

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