Sunday, July 27, 2014

what have I agreed to?

For a few years now, Dan and I have gone up to Saddlebag Lake Campground right outside Yosemite for a few days to camp. The first time, Mya had just turned a year and I was very pregnant with Winter. The next time, we did it with a 1 and 2 year old. Then a 2 and 3 year old which wasn't bad. I was pregnant with Addie, however. Now, we are going with a 7 month old. I insisted on a camping trailer but Dan quickly talked me out of that... not sure how. 

The next thing I know, I have agreed to camp for 4 days and 3 nights with 1 husband, 2 little ones, 2 dogs and a baby who is going to start crawling any day... all in the same tent! We get VERY dirty and smelly. That first shower afterward is SO nice. I am usually on the "glass is half full" side but I am not hopeful. We have never had a good night up there. We've had crazy wind, freezing temps, a puking toddler and pregnancy bladder keeping us up in the past. 

Why go you ask? It's actually worth it. It is so gorgeous up there. It is also Dan's happy place. And there isn't cell reception which is great so even if I wanted to get in touch with anyone I wouldn't be able to. It makes you disconnect from the craziness of everyday life and just breath. I haven't really slept well this year anyway! Here's hoping for just one night of good sleep for everyone... I'm kind of excited.

Here is last year. Dan said, "This time next year, we'll be up here with a baby." I laughed. I didn't know he was serious.

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