Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Saturday was a day of firsts. Mya rode her bike without training wheels for the first time. Go Mya! She taught herself of course. We gave her Winter's bike so she could put her feet down when she needed to. Then she just peddled a little bit then a little more then all the way down the street. That girl can do anything she wants. I'm hoping that means that she's going to do really well in school and life in general. I may be getting ahead of myself.

And Addie crawled! Oh goodness, it's a whole new world of parenting. It is amazing how many little tiny things are on the floor AFTER I vacuum. She's opening dresser drawers and getting stuck under couches. It's on! 

It's okay because Rylie said she would come over and chase her around every day and make sure she doesn't get into trouble. Love her!

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