Friday, August 29, 2014

that was then

When I was in my early 20's I was not a very good driver. I did not obey traffic "suggestions" AKA laws. I sped most of the time and rolled through most stop signs. Okay I still do that sometimes. But I am a pretty safe driver these days right honey?! :)

There is this one time that stands out in my memory pretty clearly and I feel guilty every time I think about it. I used to work in the valley and got out around 5:15 and the traffic was always horrendous. There was this stop sign where I made a right turn every day. I rarely stopped because I was turning right and there were rarely cars to my left going straight. I didn't even really understand why there was a stop sign there.

One day after I had turned right at the stop sign and was sitting at a red light, this lady in a minivan pulled up next to me (in my little 2 door) and motioned for me to roll down my window. I figured she needed directions or something. But instead she said something along the lines of "I saw you roll through that stop sign back there. You know there are kids around here. You need to be more careful!" I yelled back, "Thank you so much!" rolled my eyes and proceeded to roll up my window as she yelled, "You know everything don't you? You blablabla something." What a little brat I was. 

Well now I can totally identify with that lady in the minivan. In fact I can totally see myself doing that to some irresponsible 20 something driver. 

The other day, there was a white SUV that drove through our street WAY too fast. There are kids playing in the street all the time in my neighborhood. So I marched my little hiney around the corner to see if they stopped somewhere and sure enough, the SUV was parked outside a house down the street. So I went over and tried to find the guy but he was in the house and no one was answering the door so I told his son (I assume) to let him know that there are kids around here and he needs to slow down or he's going to cream someone. I immediately thought of the poor lady I rolled my eyes at over a decade ago. 

I don't have any pics that aren't buried in storage because I'm so old that Facebook wasn't around when I was in my early 20's. I realize that most of you could 2nd that statement so sorry if you're old too ;)

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