Tuesday, August 19, 2014

that's why

My sweet husband asked me the other day, "How do you function?...Seriously." Kinda rude but it is a valid question. The answer is barely Honey. Barely.

These are just some of the things I've done lately:

-I took a shower and forgot to use shampoo and skipped right to conditioner so I had very conditioned oily hair that day.

-I drove to Costco when I wanted to go to Trader Joe's. I was actually looking for parking when I realized I didn't want to go there.

-My neighbor across the street has reminded me on several occasions to close the garage door.

-I never know where my keys, checkbook, purse and sunglasses are.

-I often turn right on Sierra Madre when I should go left or vice versa.

-And below, I forgot to put the lid on the coffee pot... yeah.

Why? Because I'm a mom. 

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