Sunday, August 31, 2014


When I was in high school, I had so many ideas as to what I would do with the gifts God gave me. I thought maybe I would sing Christian music or teach dance since I loved to do both. I thought maybe I would be a math or English teacher because I was a good student. Math was my favorite. And maybe I would be a P.E. coach because I was pretty good at sports. I quickly became disappointed in myself because I didn't use any of those talents.

I went to college and couldn't find my thing. I tried my hand in teaching but didn't really like it. I took guitar lessons so I could sing and play guitar and stopped trying because it was too hard. 

I ended up working for a computer software company where I managed customer service. I was only promoted because the previous manager quit suddenly and I was the only other person working in the department and no one else in the company knew anything about customer service. 

So I did that until I got married and had babies. Then I was a wife and mom. I still don't feel like this is my thing because I'm not a very good housekeeper and I'm sure I yell at my kids too much and I'm sure I don't teach them all the things I should be teaching them.

But I realized something today at church while singing worship songs. God hears me sing to Him and he loves it. He sees me doing laundry and dishes at 9:30PM when all I want to do is fall into bed and He is proud of me. He sees me love my husband like I want to be loved and He is pleased. 

I was all set to teach Sunday School today because I was the summer fill-in but I didn't need to because the regular teacher was back and ready to go. That's beside the point.  I still had a lesson and craft prepared. We were going to talk about chores and how we can do chores for God. We were going to make a little door hanger that said, "I <3 doing chores for my Lord." And I was reminded how when I serve my family I serve God. Whatever I do for my husband and kids, I'm doing for Him. 

So when I think about my many wasted talents, they aren't wasted. I can still use them. I can sing to Addie as I rock her. I can dance with Winter around the living room and I can help Mya with her homework. She is just like I was. She loves to learn. 

I love the lyrics of that song "God blessed the broken road that led me straight to you." It may have seemed like a broken road but it was actually God's plan all along. He made me the way I am with my unique talents and experiences so I can serve my family and friends with all I have to offer.

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