Wednesday, August 6, 2014

"selfless acts"

When I am having a really bad day, I have sort of trained myself to try to think of someone else instead of myself. I heard it in a sermon once and it's actually a very good idea. It gets the focus off of my feelings and totally changes my perspective. 

There are so many people that are going through tough times and could use a little extra kindness. In my church family alone, there are families going through messy divorces, families losing their homes, families dealing with cancer and other serious health problems. 

When I think about them, I feel guilty for feeling so sorry for myself when all I'm dealing with is a messy house and a 3 year old headache. Not to say my life doesn't get hard sometimes but there is always someone who has it worse. And if I can bless them in some way, it really changes my attitude. Making a meal for a family who is going through a hard time is SO appreciated. I can say that it has truly warmed my heart to receive a meal from a friend, even if it's just spaghetti or a pizza, it really means a lot. Watching someone's kids for them when they could use a breather is a tremendous help too. 

My friend Mari dropped these off yesterday just cuz.

So sweet. They totally made my day. And now when I look at them, I am reminded that I have a friend who thinks of me.

I've also found that I am blessed when I go that extra step with a stranger to try to make their day a little brighter, like letting someone go before me in line at Target or giving a homeless person some food or cash. Compliments go a long way too, like telling a very pregnant lady that she looks great. Or giving a random compliment like, "cute skirt!" 

So, what I am saying is my "selfless acts" are not actually selfless ;) They make me feel good!

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