Wednesday, August 13, 2014

oatmeal raisin

I'm baking cookies today. Why? I owe my neighbors big time.

1. Some will go to Tiffany a few doors down for coming down to the pool to tell me the dogs were roaming the neighborhood. She pulled up in her car and asked if we were okay. She said it looked like someone broke in. Garage door open and front door open (It wasn't me Dan. It was Mya), dogs running around. She said she didn't want to put the dogs in the house and shut the door and get her fingerprints on the knob... okaaaaay. She was going to call the cops if she couldn't find me haha. But she did put them back in the house after she found me and I assured her there wasn't any foul play. Anyway, we owe her!

2. We owe Britney and Bryn around the corner for Bryn's near death experience. Winter tried to drown her in the pool. She grabbed both sides of her puddle jumper and held her underwater. Psycho! Good thing Britney saw it because I didn't. She handled it so well. She's all, "Well she did need to practice holding her breath under water!" This is the same Bryn from the previous story. They're getting some cookies!

3. The poor Mullers who just moved to the neighborhood were welcomed by several random children from several different families coming in like they owned the place. She didn't even know Mya was there for like a half an hour playing upstairs quietly. Eh, she was probably cleaning anyway so I don't feel too bad about that. The day after they moved in, Winter and Mya were told not to ride their bikes past the Andersons' so they left their bikes at the Andersons' and walked across the street to the Mullers'. Okay, you got me there guys. It's different around here Melissa sweetie! But you're gettin' some cookies! Welcome! And sorry...

4. And of course Mari gets some cookies because well, she's pretty awesome. And my kids are over there all the time... along with the rest of the neighborhood. She's a trooper.

There are more neighbors to bake cookies for because frankly, my neighbors are the best AND they make up for where I lack. For instance, my neighbor Mark reminds me on a regular basis at 10:00PM to close my garage door. And Jason next door has come over at night to let us know the light in the car is on. Nancy texts me when Winter is jumping on her trampoline and Kim gives me food and clothes for the girls on occasion. And I have "borrowed" garlic, eggs, butter, sugar, lemons, milk, beans, car booster seats, portable DVD players and more. 

Back to the cookies...

These are the best oatmeal cookies. I got the recipe from Every time I have made cookies in the past, Dan has said, "These are WAY overdone." Turns out the secret to really good cookies is to only cook them for 6 minutes tops. They look like they aren't done when you take them out of the oven but after they cool, they are moist, chewy and delicious. If cookie dough tastes good, then think of how a half baked cookie would taste... not bad. Thanks Honey!

Click here for the recipe.

1 comment:

  1. I so want to move there ... just for the cookies! haha kidding.
