Sunday, December 13, 2015

crazy december

I completely forgot about blogging for over a week. I mean completely until today. So I'm staying up late, loading uncropped, unedited pictures in an attempt to capture some of December before it slips away into the abyss of unblogged memories and 2015 has ended without a single good-bye. So here is the last 9 days in a nutshell...ish.

More Elf-on-the-shelfing. I have come close to forgetting so many times. Sometimes I wake up in a cold sweat around 11:00 and realize I didn't move the elf. One time I woke up at 5:00AM and moved him. Who thought of this torturous little game? I'm running out of ideas!

Dan did this one. I woke up and realized I hadn't moved him and Dan was such a good husband. He went downstairs and did this:

I had a deep cleaning. Fun. So daddy got a turn watching little man. He sent these to me at the dentist. sweet.

We let the girls help decorate the tree this year. They set a record I'm sure for the most ornaments on one branch. 

Managed to run over a bicycle break pad thingy and it punctured a fairly impressive whole in the tire. So I got to ride with a nice tow truck man to Just Tires where they totally overcharged me to plug the tire because I'm a girl. That's what Dan says. I thought $20 was pretty reasonable... guess not. 

We had our HUB Christmas party. I LOVE these people. We laugh, cry and pray together every Wednesday. They've become our little family. No one is looking at the camera because there were like 5 husbands taking the picture at the same time. 

And we hosted our annual family Christmas party again. I LOVE these people too! They're the best family. I actually like them all a lot. Every single one of them. I love how every year we grow a little more as we are joined by significant others and babies.  

That's it for now. I'll take some pics of the house decked out in Christmas cheer and post it soon.

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