Friday, December 4, 2015

driving mommy crazy

It's one of those mom things you can't fully understand until you have experienced it. The dreaded car ride with a screaming baby. Do you pull over and nurse him? You just have 10 minutes until you get to your destination. Why stop when you're almost there? 

There is nothing that rattles me more than a screaming baby while I'm driving. You can't do anything but drive and listen to the increasingly panicked screams. It sounds like the baby's head is going to explode or something. It's awful. Thank goodness Angus is a good traveler for the most part. 

Addie was not. It was pretty much a guarantee that she would cry the whole way, wherever we were going. My friend Elizabeth who enjoys the single life of eating out and sleeping in was in the car with me one time and experienced Addie's early car protests. She started out with a whimper, then a little louder, then a cry, then a full on cry, then a scream... and it only took like 5 minutes to get to that full on scream. Elizabeth commented with, "Hmmm so she just gets louder huh?" haha yep. She just gets louder. 

Well she's grown out of that. She still yells at me (usually when she drops something) but rarely screams in tears. Angus is soooo good in the car. He pretty much falls asleep everywhere we go. Even if he's hungry. He's always hungry. But every once in a while we will be coming home late at night and he will start to cry and his cry will turn into a scream. Addie doesn't seem to mind. One time his scream sounded like a high pitched growl. So she started roaring back at him in her best tiger growl. Rooooaarrr, roooaaarrrr! I thought, what a freaking circus. Sometimes, Winter yells, "Mommy, Angus is crying! He needs milk!" Thanks Winter. 

Last time he had a scream attack, Addie started yelling at him. In between screams she would yell, "Buddy!" That's what she calls Angus. She's trying to say brother. Cute I know. So over and over, the whole way home I would hear the screaming baby followed by "BUDDY!" At least it kept me awake. Waaaaahhh!!! Waaaahhhh!! BUDDY! Waaaaahhhh!! Waaaaahhhh!! BUDDY!

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