Tuesday, December 1, 2015

our new friend

I'm quickly gaining mom points this Christmas season. I purchased an Elf On The Shelf for Mya after she begged me non stop... starting last year around December 1st. She had one in her classroom and would report to me as soon as I picked her up where the elf was hiding that day. I have never seen her more excited about something before. I tried to burst her bubble and tell her it wasn't a real elf (I know, horrible) but she insisted that the elf in her classroom WAS real and would not be persuaded otherwise. 

So this year after several NO's Mya finally got her way and we picked one out at Target. She asked if she could open it and I let her. She carried it around the whole day while we ran errands. Some little boy informed us that we were not supposed to touch her or she would lose her magic. Wups, didn't know that. He told me to read the book that came with her. Thanks dude. Mya was nearly in tears. I assured her that our elf was the new improved girl version that had extra powers and that little boy had no idea what he was talking about. 

So when we got home, Mya started looking through the book and asked me, "Mom is this Spanish?" I took a look and sure enough, "Una Tradicion Navidena." Ugh, double wups. Now I would not know the rules and would do it all wrong. Mari came to my rescue as usual and loaned me their English copy. Whew. 

I screwed up again before we read the book and wrote a note from the Elf signed Samantha. I've always liked that name. I didn't know the kids were supposed to pick a name. Man, this Elf stuff is no joke. It's serious business. Who reads the book before they start playing with the toy? So, I told the girls they could pick a new name for her. And that would be Sparkle. What else would a 4 and 6 year old girl pick for a name?

I still get lots of good mom points for doing this whole thing. We are going on night 3 and I just may be getting in to it just as much as the kids. The first night, Sparkle made a lego chair to sit on. The second night, she dressed up in Barbie clothes and took a nap in Barbie's bed. Last night, she got into the hair bows. Okay I'm totally loving this. 

I sent Sparkle to big sis Wendy's house with Mya and Winter. They're having a sleepover. We'll see what Auntie Wendy does with it. I have a feeling it will be awesome. 

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