Saturday, December 19, 2015


I never knew how amazing the spa was until I desperately wanted to take a shower in peace or better yet a bath. Throw in a massage? Heaven. I would be happy just sitting in a room alone with a couch and my phone. Dan asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I couldn't think of anything. I told him to make me a coupon book filled with coupons for things like an hour to myself while he watches the kids or sleeping in. I ask for that every year. It has yet to happen. It's a big commitment, those coupons. I get it. 

So when my friend Kady who is carrying twin baby girls asked me if I wanted to go to the spa with her so she could use her gift card, I was like uh YEAH! That's exactly what I wanted for Christmas. Dan agreed and off we went. There are so many lovely things about spas. The smells, the cleanliness, the many relaxing things to choose from, the way they ask you if you need anything at all... awesome. 

I love that they have everything you need. I mean everything. And if you don't see it, chances are they have it in the back just in case. My day at the spa this time included a relaxation massage followed by a dip in the jacuzzi followed by a long uninterrupted shower. I appreciated that it wasn't my shower at home that usually has dirty corners that distract me and make me feel like I am failing in the house keeping department. Even their body wash was amazing. And just because I could, I blow dried my hair. I don't think I've done that since Angus was born. I could have curled it too because they had curling irons but that felt like a bit much. I had to get home and feed Angus. I got a survey in my email. I gave them 10's across the board. (The two in the N/A category are because I booked online, not on the phone)

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