Thursday, December 17, 2015


Well it finally happened. I forgot to move the damn elf. However, I remembered as the girls were going downstairs so I was able to save the morning and Christmas altogether. I yelled at them to go back to their rooms and get dressed for school. Mya whined, "I want to see where the elf is!" And in my drunken morning stupor I yelled back, "No go get dressed!" I grabbed sparkle and frantically looked for a funny clever space to put her and could not think of a single thing. I was sleep deprived and just woke up anyway so I settled on this. Lame.

Feeling like the worst elf on the shelf mom ever, I spent all morning on Pinterest looking for new ways to hide sparkle so that the girls will be filled with delight every morning until Christmas. That's the goal. Isn't that what Christmas is all about anyway? No! It's not supposed to be about that at all. How did I get wrapped up in this whole elf business? Okay, clearly elf on the shelf is of the devil. Next year I will have to combine the elf with the birth of baby Jesus somehow…

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