Monday, December 28, 2015

good-bye december

December has flown by as it usually does. A few things as the year ends. I thought I would share some pics to add to the December 2015 posts. I forgot to include Wendy's awesome elf on the shelf ideas that put mine to shame. 

She played poker with a sock monkey, the Cheshire cat and a naked Barbie... strip poker? Who knows. Barbie is obviously not a good poker player. Also, Sparkle is quite the artist. 

And I thought I would get pics of all of our Christmas decorations. Most of them were my Grandma's. She gave them to me one Christmas when she decided it was too much work to decorate. She told me to go through the Christmas stuff and see if I wanted anything. She didn't have to ask me twice!

This crazy reindeer used to sing up on the housetop. I think the battery got rusted or something. It no longer works. =(

A nativity =)

Grandma made this! I think Grandpa made the sled. I'll have to ask mom to be sure. 

This guy used to walk and jingle his bell. Not any more. Now he just stands there looking a tad creepy. Love him.

This one works still unfortunately. Drives me crazy. Sings Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. 

This precious thing plays a jewelry box sounding Christmas song when you turn it. I love it. It's super old.

This little wooden Mary and Joseph and baby Jesus was made by a mom friend at church for our craft boutique. It was too awesome. I had to swipe it before anyone else could get it. It's okay. I paid for it.

This was Dan's mom's Nativity. It has a catholic feel which I appreciate. 

This reindeer showed up this year in a box. I must have purchased it last year. 

I made these last year from wine bottles remember?!

This is the girls' tree... if you couldn't tell.

Stockings... we're just about out of room. The dogs got pushed off to the side this year. They didn't get anything this year. Poor guys.

Pillows and stuffed animals.

My friend Stacy made this! It's awesome. I love it. We have too much mail for it unfortunately. Maybe I'll have her make another one! =) 

This is where the rest of our Christmas cards were displayed. And the girls' Christmas artwork.

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