Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Happy birthday Winter!!

Winter is five! It's a weird thought that five years ago, she wasn't in my world. I didn't know her. She was just a kick in my giant belly. Just five years ago.

Winter has come along way from that crazy 2-year-old that used to write on the wall with sharpies and try to drown friends in the swimming pool. She's actually a well adjusted little child for the most part. Dan and I were talking about the fact that currently, she is our easiest kid. WINTER! I know, nuts. She is always happy, affectionate and obedient, when pointed in the right direction. She is naturally curious and hard headed so to someone new, I could see how they would think she was a tad naughty. But she's actually pretty good when corrected. Just a quick smack in the bum and it's over. No drama, no tantrums.

You can tell that she's like a wild horse that's been broken in. I think I used that analogy last year. But I don't think she had been broken in yet. She still has that wild look in her eye and you definitely have to keep an eye on her but she knows her boundaries for the most part.

Winter is my little story teller. She can tell a whopper. And she's pretty convincing. She tells her BFF Gracie big stories all the time and Grace always comes to me to get the real story. Yesterday, she said, "Miss Amie, is Winter really getting a purple tortoise for her birthday?" =)

She's currently in pre-K where she has learned to write her name...and Mya's for some reason. She's writing numbers and letters and doing very well. Her big loves are cooking and animals. She's kind of a foodie thanks to Dad. She prefers sashimi over sushi and chows down on steak and shrimp when given the chance. Oh and gnawing on lamb bones is up there too. Gross.

Winter is kind of a walking contradiction. She loves playing in the mud, examining bugs and is usually dirty. But she is always wearing a dress. Rain or shine, she is dressed to the nines. She just learned to ride her bike without training heels. I don't know why my girls are so fancy. I'm not at all. But I love that they are. 

I love that Winter is super feisty. When crossed, she'll let you know what she thinks. She has no problem telling me that I'm the worst mommy ever but if I go give her a hug she gives me a bigger one and won't let go. She's SUPER affectionate. Right now we are working on quicker hugs. She tends to attach herself to whoever she's hugging, especially teenage boys. She's a lot of 5-year-old that's for sure. She is not shy. She is headstrong, courageous, happy, silly, imaginative and beautiful. I love you my Winter baby. 


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