Sunday, March 31, 2013

frozen strawberry iced tea

I was just at CPK the other day and had a strawberry iced tea. So good! It gave me an idea for my new favorite drink. It's going to be so perfect when summer hits. I made my own iced tea from my favorite Trader Joe's tea. Then I mixed equal parts iced tea and frozen strawberries in the blender. It came out similar to the texture of a smoothie. If you like a little sweetness, you can always add your favorite sweetener but I like it without. A little lemon would probably be good in it as well. And there you have it. Sugar free and no artificial sweeteners. You could do it cafinated or herbal. You could even try frozen peaches, rasberries, or other favorite fruits. Oh the possibilities.

coming home

I wrote this last year for my moms' group at church. I came across it in my documents so I thought I would share it.

     Last week was kind of a rough week. It was just physically draining. We had our house worked on and painted so the girls and I moved out for about a week. And some of you know how hard it can be to pack up your kids and stay somewhere else. I stayed with my grandma for a couple of days then went to my sister’s house for the rest of the week.

     Neither place was childproof or kid friendly so I was constantly running after the baby up the stairs, in the cupboards, under the sink, and near the ant traps. I was exhausted. Mya (2 at the time) was into everything too. She tried to drink a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Then, at night, we were up every couple of hours and when one kid was up, so was the next and it would take forever to go back to sleep. To top it off, I got the stomach flue and so did the baby. We also gave it to my sister’s family of 5, the entire family. I missed my husband and he missed us.

     I just kept telling myself, just a few more days. We’ll be home soon. None of this will matter and we’ll be so happy. If I can just make it until Monday, everything will be better again.

     Sometimes when Life get’s hard and unbearable, the holy spirit reminds me that soon we’ll be home. Soon, we’ll be with the Lord and none of the bad stuff will even matter. This life is supposed to be tough because this isn’t where we are supposed to live.

     I think if we can just keep that in the back of our minds as we go through our day to day lives, it just makes everything a little easier. This isn’t our home.
Philippians 3:20 – “For our citizenship is in heaven from which also we eagerly wait for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

celebrating our differences

My two daughters could not be more different. I am asked if they are twins all the time because even though they are over a year apart, my oldest is short and my youngest is tall so they look very similar, especially when sitting down.

Mya has always been a very easy child. She slept through the night at 5 weeks and has been my easy one since. She potty-trained herself in just a few days. I rarely need to punish her because she usually listens the first time. She loves to help and is just all around pleasant. We had our first teacher parent conference with her preschool teacher and of course the teacher reported that she was doing very well and had no issues at all with her. She is helpful and kind and is coming right along with her learning and developing. My husband and I both wanted to be there so of course that meant that my 2 year old, Winter would also have to come. So as the teacher is going on about how great Mya is doing, Winter is getting in to everything, making messes, throwing fits and just being her normal self. And Mya is trying to tell her that she is not following the rules of the classroom. As we finished up talking to Mya’s teacher, I warned her that when Winter eventually came to be in her class, the report would be much different.

Winter is not easy. She is difficult. She is the most drawn to things she’s not supposed to touch. It’s almost magnetic. If she is told that she can’t have or do something, she wants it more than anything. She has a very strong urge to do everything she knows she is not supposed to do. She is sensitive and emotional. She regularly cries when things don’t go her way. She is very good at being two. Mya never went through the terrible twos. Winter started at about 13 months.

My husband Dan and I have a rule that if either of us is running an errand, we have to take one kid with us. It’s always Mya. Winter just makes everything a little harder.

When Dan and I were pregnant with our second child, we just couldn’t see how we could love the next one as much as the first, especially Dan. He just couldn’t image anyone as cute or funny or lovable as Mya. But even though they are so different, we now love them both so much because they are ours. We’ve been there from the very beginning and watched them grow. They are our little perfect beautiful creations.

Winter is a challenge to say the least, but she has a way of melting my heart with just a look. She is a force of nature and I love her so much.

Being a parent helps you understand so many things about God and his love for his children. All you have to do is pay attention and you can find examples everywhere.

This week I was reminded of how different God’s children are. And how sometimes, we feel like we are failing as moms or wives or just not as good a Christian as the next girl. But we are all created very unique. And God celebrates our differences, good and bad. He loves everything about us because we are His children. Imagine how much you love your kids. Multiply that by a bazillion or a really big number. And that’s how much God loves each of us. That makes me feel really special when I think of it from a parent’s perspective. I’ve been a Christian my whole life but I am still comforted by the fact that God loves me. And he accepts me just the way I am. It’s especially comforting on those days when I am my worst self. And my kids can bring out my worst self but they can also bring out my best self. And God loves it all.

Psalm 139:13 -14, 17, 18
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand.” (NIV)

Jeremiah 1:4-5 “The word of the LORD came to me, saying, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” (NIV)

Isaiah 49:15-16
“Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for the child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands.” (NLT)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

healthy 2 ingredient snack

My friend Mari introduced these to me and they are so easy and so good for you. My girls eat them up like candy and they travel well. They may be the perfect snack. All you need are dates and cashews or almonds. I buy my dates at Costco. They are yum by themselves but this way they are fun and nutty, kinda like me! ha. Okay here's how ya make them:

Take 1/2 a cup of dates (or 1/4 cup dried fruit and 1/4 dates) and 1/2 cup almonds or cashews. I prefer cashews. Pulse the dates in a food processor. Set aside. Pulse the nuts in the food processor so they are small but not powder. You want the texture. Set aside. Put them in a bowl and combine together sort of squishing the nuts into the dates. Form a ball. Refrigerate for an hour or so. Voila. Date balls. That's what I call them. Kind of an unfortunate name but I can't think of another one. So date balls it is. =)

little things

One of my favorite things about having a 2 and 3 year old is the little things that make my girls happy. Things like feeding the dogs, waiting for the trash truck to come by on Monday mornings and pushing the button to make the garage door close can really feel them with joy. Feeding the dogs takes a while because Winter (my 2-year-old) has to do it all by herself, spilling everywhere and slipping the occasional nugget in her mouth. Then I have to go in after it and explain why we don't eat doggy food. And closing the garage sounds easy but we can't just close it. We have to watch it go all the way down. And even though it is a pain sometimes to take time out to do the little things that make them happy, I do it because I love how happy they get when it's time to feed the dogs. Or I hear the trash truck coming and yell, "Trash man!!" and everyone goes to the window to wave at them like they are rock stars.

It's also the little things that can make them sad. If they cannot find their favorite blanky or baby doll or their favorite spoon or cup is dirty and they can't use it at dinner time, their little hearts sink. So of course it is Mommy's job to find that missing doll or wash that favorite dish because although it isn't a big deal to me, it is a huge deal in their little world. When their hearts fill with joy, so does mine. When their hearts sink, so does mine.

Our heavenly father loves us and He cares about the little things that make us happy and sad too. I didn't used to think that God cared about all the little details. My mom used to pray about everything good or bad throughout the day and I used to think that God had better things to do than listen to her constant thank you's and pleases. But it's just the opposite. He totally cares about that stuff. He loves to hear about what makes us happy and sad. He already knows but he wants us to tell him. I cannot tell you how many times God has located my keys or missing papers in places I would never look. All we have to do is ask Him and he will help us, no matter how small we make think the problem is. He loves to see us happy and hates to see us sad.

Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:9-11
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18


I am kind of an airhead. I think I hide it well, but those close to me would agree. Besides being super forgetful and sometimes slow to get a joke I am horrible with directions. I have actually been lost just a few miles from my house after living there for 3 years. Before I got my iPhone, I would get lost on a regular basis. My husband and I decided we did not need smartphones because they were just a luxury we could do without. We already had perfectly good cell phones and a computer at home so what did we need smartphones for?

Finally, after years of watching friends live on their phones and swearing I would not be like that, we decided to jump on the bandwagon. I can safely say that my iphone has changed my life in so many ways. I have not been lost once since I figured out how to work the map ap. Siri is my guide. She has saved me so many times. All I have to do is enter the address or say the place I want to go and she takes me there step by step. I still get off track which is really hard to do. I mean she gives you lots of warning before you need to turn. She says, turn right in one mile, then turn right in half a mile, then turn right in 500 feet and somehow I manage to miss the street I'm supposed to turn on. But she'll rerout and get me back on track in minutes. How did I ever live without my iphone?!

Every time Siri leads me somewhere safely, I am reminded how I am guided by the Holy Spirit. This life is hard to navigate and thank the Lord for sending someone to get us to where we need to be. Sometimes I get off track, well often I get off track. But He reminds me to reroute and get back on track. Just like I trust Siri to get me where I need to go, I fully trust my God to get me where I need to be. As long as I stay in the word and talk to Him daily, I have a better chance of hearing His voice when he is telling me I'm on the wrong path and I should reroute.

Psalm 25:9
He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them his way.
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.

James 1:5
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach.

Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

we are worth it

Sometimes I find myself having pity parties and thinking, man it is SO hard being a mom. Especially on those days when my 2 year old doesn't stop crying, my 3 year old's new favorite phrase is "no way!", my husband has been at work for 5 days straight and I come downstairs to find that my dog has puked on the rug. Poor me. All mommies struggle to maintain sanity most days. But the truth is, we would probably suffer a lot more if it meant our kids were healthy and happy. Why? Because they are worth it. For some reason, we love those crazy little people more than anything else in the world.

That love pales in comparison to the love that our God has for his children. We are disobedient, hard headed, messy, crazy children of God. And in His eyes through His son Jesus, we are perfect and lovable. We are worth it to him. We are worth having His son die on the cross so we could live.
Why are we worth it? I'll never know. He loves us more than we could ever imagine.

the library

We canceled our cable last year to save some money. Plus we really didn't watch TV all that much. Since then, I've been going to the library to rent movies for my girls. They have tons of kid movies that you can rent for 7 days free of charge. What a great resource. Kids get sick of movies so quickly and this way, they have a huge selection without spending money on TV or DVDs. Your local library usually has a huge kid section for them to play and read as well. They have great programs for kids like book clubs and computer learning programs. A great free place to go on those hot summer days too. It is also an awesome place to go if you don't have kids. Some people think they are not in to reading. I tend to think they just haven't been reading the right books.


frozen mango bites

I'm always looking for a healthy tasty snack. For years now, usually in the summer time, I've snacked on frozen mango bites. My favorite brand is Trader Joe's. They are kind of creamy and sweet and taste like little bites of ice cream. They are simply mangos that have been cut into bite sized pieces and frozen. It doesn't get more basic than that.

Friday, March 29, 2013

budget bonus

Everyone should be on a budget in my opinion. And everyone should stay in that budget. For me, it has been SO hard to stay within my budget. I think if I made a million dollars a week it would be hard simply because I am a spender. My husband is so responsible. He has 10 savings accounts and amazing restraint when it comes to buying things we don't need. I am in charge of the shopping, however. This used to be a fight every month when the credit card bill was due. I was always way over the budget discussed and the hubs didn't understand why I just couldn't stop spending. We tried lots of popular budgeting techniques until I realized something. I need incentive! So, I suggested that we set a reasonable budget and if I came in under the budget I would be rewarded $40 to spend however I wanted. I am always up for a good challenge and quite competitive. So it turns out that this idea of mine is probably the only way I would be able to be good with money. And once a month, I get to spend $40 on whatever I want, guilt free. So far it has worked about 80% of the time. December is pretty much impossible to stay within budget with Christmas and Winter's birthday so we may need to up the budget for that month. And August is Mya's birthday and we usually have a party so we'll need to up the budget for that month too. But as long as I come in under what we've discussed, I get a prize. I realize the same sort of techniques are those used with children but I don't care. It works for me! 

surprise cleaning

I didn't used to hate deep cleaning but now, having 2 small children, I loathe it. Someone suggested that I try making a game out of cleaning. I break down my chores into 5-10 minute jobs and list them on a sheet of paper. Cut them up and put them in a cute cup, vase or hat. Then each day, after breakfast, I chose one out of the hat and see what my chore is for the day. I let my 3 year old pick it out. It is one of her favorite things to do. Then we tackle it in the morning while we have energy. If you're a busy mom, and you are honest AND you don't have a cleaning lady, you would probably never get around to these types of chores unless you were having guests stay at your house or throwing a party. Try it out for 30 days. Nothing is too hard to do if it only lasts 5 minutes.

quinoa salad

Quinoa + whatever salad ingredients I have in my fridge is my new favorite lunch. Quinoa is so good for you. It's filling and easy to make. I make mine in my rice cooker the same way you would make rice. The instructions are on the box too. I buy mine at Trader Joe's. My last salad had some baby spinach leaves, tofu & zucchini I sautéed in a pan, kidney beans, tomato, avocado, craisins and my favorite Italian dressing. This salad keeps me full for hours and gives me energy to tackle those beloved mom tasks.

healthy sandwich spread and veggie dip

I'm always looking for healthier ways to live. Lately I have been substituting humus (mostly garbanzo beans and tahini) or baba ganoush (eggplant dip) for mayo and ranch dip. You can make your own humus or buy it. There are a ton of very basic recipes out there for both. Just google it. With humus, a little goes a long way. Dairy adds to your waistline. And humus is good for you. My favorite sandwich these day is avocado, tomato & humus on toasted bread. So tasty. You would never know it was good for you. Baba ganoush is a great dip or spread. It's mostly just roasted eggplant. I LOVE it. Some don't. But you'll never know unless you try it!

purse organization

I got this idea from my sister. Use little makeup bags to divide up your little stuff in your purse. It's so much easier to find things when there are only a few items in your purse. Purses hold so much stuff. I used to always be digging around to find everything. I had a ton of those little makeup purses that fit easily inside my big purse. I use one for mouth stuff like gum, chapstick, floss, toothpicks, etc. Another for lotion, sanitizer, my mirror and fingernail clippers. Then all that is left is my wallet, keys and cell phone. I also keep wipes with me at all times. You can't be without wipes with kids under 5... Actually my sister carries wipes and uses them all the time and her kids are teenagers. So there you go.

one of the million uses for plastic shopping bags

Another use for plastic bags (If you have a kid in diapers) is a stinky diaper bag. I keep plastic bags in my diaper area upstairs so I can just put the smelliness in a bag, tie it up and throw it downstairs. I take it out to the trash when I go downstairs again. I also put plastic bags in my diaper bag on the go. They have plastic bags made especially for smelly diapers but why spend the money when you get them for free at the grocery store?

kleenex box of plastic shopping bags

This is also not my idea. I got it from another mom. Keep a kleenex box in your car and fill it with those plastic shopping bags. They come in really handy for wet clothes or leaky containers.

car kit

I've seen this on pinterest and in other friends' cars but I had to mention it because it is just such a lifesaver. We all need stuff in the car, especially with kids. I keep a box with several things I may need. It includes a diaper, wipes, a dress for my girls, kleenex, lotion, $5, granola bar, hair band, nail clippers, bottled water, a pen and paper and a couple of kids' books. I've needed all of these items at one time or another. I used to keep my car kit in my trunk but it works best where I can reach it.

refried beans in a blender

This is an idea I got from another mom: If you need refried beans and all you have are whole pinto beans, just put them in the blender and voila, healthy refried beans. (Of course you still have to heat them up in a pot.)