Saturday, March 30, 2013

we are worth it

Sometimes I find myself having pity parties and thinking, man it is SO hard being a mom. Especially on those days when my 2 year old doesn't stop crying, my 3 year old's new favorite phrase is "no way!", my husband has been at work for 5 days straight and I come downstairs to find that my dog has puked on the rug. Poor me. All mommies struggle to maintain sanity most days. But the truth is, we would probably suffer a lot more if it meant our kids were healthy and happy. Why? Because they are worth it. For some reason, we love those crazy little people more than anything else in the world.

That love pales in comparison to the love that our God has for his children. We are disobedient, hard headed, messy, crazy children of God. And in His eyes through His son Jesus, we are perfect and lovable. We are worth it to him. We are worth having His son die on the cross so we could live.
Why are we worth it? I'll never know. He loves us more than we could ever imagine.

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