Saturday, March 30, 2013

little things

One of my favorite things about having a 2 and 3 year old is the little things that make my girls happy. Things like feeding the dogs, waiting for the trash truck to come by on Monday mornings and pushing the button to make the garage door close can really feel them with joy. Feeding the dogs takes a while because Winter (my 2-year-old) has to do it all by herself, spilling everywhere and slipping the occasional nugget in her mouth. Then I have to go in after it and explain why we don't eat doggy food. And closing the garage sounds easy but we can't just close it. We have to watch it go all the way down. And even though it is a pain sometimes to take time out to do the little things that make them happy, I do it because I love how happy they get when it's time to feed the dogs. Or I hear the trash truck coming and yell, "Trash man!!" and everyone goes to the window to wave at them like they are rock stars.

It's also the little things that can make them sad. If they cannot find their favorite blanky or baby doll or their favorite spoon or cup is dirty and they can't use it at dinner time, their little hearts sink. So of course it is Mommy's job to find that missing doll or wash that favorite dish because although it isn't a big deal to me, it is a huge deal in their little world. When their hearts fill with joy, so does mine. When their hearts sink, so does mine.

Our heavenly father loves us and He cares about the little things that make us happy and sad too. I didn't used to think that God cared about all the little details. My mom used to pray about everything good or bad throughout the day and I used to think that God had better things to do than listen to her constant thank you's and pleases. But it's just the opposite. He totally cares about that stuff. He loves to hear about what makes us happy and sad. He already knows but he wants us to tell him. I cannot tell you how many times God has located my keys or missing papers in places I would never look. All we have to do is ask Him and he will help us, no matter how small we make think the problem is. He loves to see us happy and hates to see us sad.

Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:9-11
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Ephesians 6:18

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