Sunday, March 31, 2013

coming home

I wrote this last year for my moms' group at church. I came across it in my documents so I thought I would share it.

     Last week was kind of a rough week. It was just physically draining. We had our house worked on and painted so the girls and I moved out for about a week. And some of you know how hard it can be to pack up your kids and stay somewhere else. I stayed with my grandma for a couple of days then went to my sister’s house for the rest of the week.

     Neither place was childproof or kid friendly so I was constantly running after the baby up the stairs, in the cupboards, under the sink, and near the ant traps. I was exhausted. Mya (2 at the time) was into everything too. She tried to drink a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Then, at night, we were up every couple of hours and when one kid was up, so was the next and it would take forever to go back to sleep. To top it off, I got the stomach flue and so did the baby. We also gave it to my sister’s family of 5, the entire family. I missed my husband and he missed us.

     I just kept telling myself, just a few more days. We’ll be home soon. None of this will matter and we’ll be so happy. If I can just make it until Monday, everything will be better again.

     Sometimes when Life get’s hard and unbearable, the holy spirit reminds me that soon we’ll be home. Soon, we’ll be with the Lord and none of the bad stuff will even matter. This life is supposed to be tough because this isn’t where we are supposed to live.

     I think if we can just keep that in the back of our minds as we go through our day to day lives, it just makes everything a little easier. This isn’t our home.
Philippians 3:20 – “For our citizenship is in heaven from which also we eagerly wait for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.”

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