Friday, March 29, 2013

budget bonus

Everyone should be on a budget in my opinion. And everyone should stay in that budget. For me, it has been SO hard to stay within my budget. I think if I made a million dollars a week it would be hard simply because I am a spender. My husband is so responsible. He has 10 savings accounts and amazing restraint when it comes to buying things we don't need. I am in charge of the shopping, however. This used to be a fight every month when the credit card bill was due. I was always way over the budget discussed and the hubs didn't understand why I just couldn't stop spending. We tried lots of popular budgeting techniques until I realized something. I need incentive! So, I suggested that we set a reasonable budget and if I came in under the budget I would be rewarded $40 to spend however I wanted. I am always up for a good challenge and quite competitive. So it turns out that this idea of mine is probably the only way I would be able to be good with money. And once a month, I get to spend $40 on whatever I want, guilt free. So far it has worked about 80% of the time. December is pretty much impossible to stay within budget with Christmas and Winter's birthday so we may need to up the budget for that month. And August is Mya's birthday and we usually have a party so we'll need to up the budget for that month too. But as long as I come in under what we've discussed, I get a prize. I realize the same sort of techniques are those used with children but I don't care. It works for me! 

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