Friday, March 29, 2013

surprise cleaning

I didn't used to hate deep cleaning but now, having 2 small children, I loathe it. Someone suggested that I try making a game out of cleaning. I break down my chores into 5-10 minute jobs and list them on a sheet of paper. Cut them up and put them in a cute cup, vase or hat. Then each day, after breakfast, I chose one out of the hat and see what my chore is for the day. I let my 3 year old pick it out. It is one of her favorite things to do. Then we tackle it in the morning while we have energy. If you're a busy mom, and you are honest AND you don't have a cleaning lady, you would probably never get around to these types of chores unless you were having guests stay at your house or throwing a party. Try it out for 30 days. Nothing is too hard to do if it only lasts 5 minutes.

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