Saturday, March 30, 2013

healthy 2 ingredient snack

My friend Mari introduced these to me and they are so easy and so good for you. My girls eat them up like candy and they travel well. They may be the perfect snack. All you need are dates and cashews or almonds. I buy my dates at Costco. They are yum by themselves but this way they are fun and nutty, kinda like me! ha. Okay here's how ya make them:

Take 1/2 a cup of dates (or 1/4 cup dried fruit and 1/4 dates) and 1/2 cup almonds or cashews. I prefer cashews. Pulse the dates in a food processor. Set aside. Pulse the nuts in the food processor so they are small but not powder. You want the texture. Set aside. Put them in a bowl and combine together sort of squishing the nuts into the dates. Form a ball. Refrigerate for an hour or so. Voila. Date balls. That's what I call them. Kind of an unfortunate name but I can't think of another one. So date balls it is. =)

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