Wednesday, May 21, 2014

afros, trains, pancakes & swimming

Okay so there has been a lot going on and most of this is on Facebook but I always like to keep track of it all here as well. So this was an AWFUL game. We left when we were losing 12-0 in the 7th. It ended up like 13-3. Still lame. So needless to say I was bored and decided to people watch instead so take a look at these 4 people. The guy on the left has a wet towel on his head because even at night, it was in the 90's. The couple in the middle were interesting because I'm pretty sure they were on a first date. They looked pretty uncomfortable the whole time and they never touched and made small talk. The guy on the right is wearing a sweatshirt! What in the world? 90's. Yeah, crazy. I'm sweating just thinking about it. 

Then, haha, there's this guy. This guy and his hair remind me of one of my favorite Friends episodes when they all go to Barbados and the humidity makes Monica's hair double in volume with every scene and soon it just looks like a crazy fro like this guy. Oh and by the way, I love Friends. When I need a good laugh I just recall a funny scene and I'm good to go.  

Baby #3 gets to do WAY more than babies #1 & #2. I would never have ridden 3 trains to USC with the other two. However, it seemed like an adventure with Addie. She's so fun. I didn't travel alone. I went with my mom, bro and aunt. Way better than looking for parking for TWO HOURS like others who drove there. Literally two hours. 

Here's my big sis. I'm so proud of her. A few years ago she was like, "I think I wanna teach. Then she got her bachelors and got a job when nobody was hiring. Then she was like, "I think I want to be principal." And then she was. Then she was like, "I think I'll get my masters while doing the hardest job I've ever had." Done and done. If Wendy wanted to become president, she could totally do it. I'd vote for her. I would use this sign and follow her campaign around.

I wore Addie for about 6 hours. I don't recommend it. 

Pancake breakfast time again! Check out these photos from last year. I can't believe it's been a year already. Crazy. People always say that. But wow, time is a flyin'. 

He's so cute in his uniform feeding the goats :)

Addie's first swim. This girl is always up for anything. She is so happy trying new things. I can't help but compare my girls. Mya hated trying new things, even as a 6 month old. Winter didn't seem to care one way or the other and Addie thinks everything is a party :) 

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